Person |
Year |
Event |
Bicarie, Asha |
2023 |
Cinderella |
Harrington, Anna |
2023 |
Cinderella |
Lampit, Hannah |
2023 |
Cinderella |
Legere, Gloria |
2023 |
Cinderella |
Outerbridge, Barbara |
2023 |
Cinderella |
Outerbridge, Liza |
2023 |
Cinderella |
Sousa, Sharlene |
2023 |
Cinderella |
Touschner, Sandy |
2023 |
Cinderella |
Ward, Ariadne |
2023 |
Cinderella |
Wilson, Bernadette |
2023 |
Cinderella |
Conyers, Heather |
2022 |
Sleeping Beauty |
Li, Diana |
2022 |
Sleeping Beauty |
Sousa, Sharlene |
2022 |
Sleeping Beauty |
Tailford, Linda |
2022 |
Sleeping Beauty |
Beach, Tracey |
2020 |
Keeping Up Appearances |
Heaney, Joanna |
2020 |
Keeping Up Appearances |
Rumbelow, Megan |
2020 |
Keeping Up Appearances |
Siese, Lisa |
2020 |
Keeping Up Appearances |
Sousa, Sharlene |
2020 |
Keeping Up Appearances |
Claude, Kristen |
2019 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Claude, Melanie |
2019 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Diamond, Lisa |
2019 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Gibbons, Kiara |
2019 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Heaney, Joanna |
2019 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Martis, Natalie |
2019 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Outerbridge, Liza |
2019 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Pearce, Elaine |
2019 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Weeks, Melissa |
2019 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Wilson, Amber |
2019 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Wilson, Bernadette |
2019 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Heaney, Joanna |
2019 |
Killing Carlisle |
Martin, Katherine |
2019 |
Private Lives |
Birch, Carol |
2017 |
Puss in Boots - Bollywood Style |
Wanklyn, Alicia |
2017 |
Puss in Boots - Bollywood Style |
Cantarella, Gwen |
2016 |
Adventure in Pantoland |
Doars, Dee |
2016 |
Adventure in Pantoland |
Halbig, Kayla |
2016 |
Adventure in Pantoland |
Matthews, Ashlynne |
2016 |
Adventure in Pantoland |
Morton, Celine |
2016 |
Adventure in Pantoland |
Muggleton, Emma |
2016 |
Adventure in Pantoland |
Nelson, Nikki |
2016 |
Adventure in Pantoland |
Outerbridge, Barbara |
2016 |
Adventure in Pantoland |
Outerbridge, Liza |
2016 |
Adventure in Pantoland |
Quinn, Patrick |
2016 |
Adventure in Pantoland |
Rynne, Helen |
2016 |
Adventure in Pantoland |
Simons, Claire |
2016 |
Adventure in Pantoland |
St. Clair, Jada |
2016 |
Adventure in Pantoland |
Vickers, Jane |
2016 |
Adventure in Pantoland |
Ward, Rachael |
2016 |
Adventure in Pantoland |
Wilson, Bernadette |
2016 |
Adventure in Pantoland |
Zimmerer, Cathy |
2016 |
Adventure in Pantoland |
Outerbridge, Barbara |
2016 |
Taming of the Shrew |
Collins, Hannah |
2015 |
Treasure Island |
Kneeland, Natacha |
2015 |
Treasure Island |
Minors, Reva |
2015 |
Treasure Island |
Oatley, Sarah Jane |
2015 |
Treasure Island |
Outerbridge, Barbara |
2015 |
Treasure Island |
Roberts-Semos, Mandy |
2015 |
Treasure Island |
Sousa, Susan |
2015 |
Treasure Island |
Trott, Trenaye |
2015 |
Treasure Island |
Wilson, Bernie |
2015 |
Treasure Island |
Kneeland, Natacha |
2015 |
Communicating Doors |
Flood, Sam |
2015 |
Sister Act |
Nicholson, Donna |
2015 |
Sister Act |
Diamond, Lisa |
2015 |
Pied Piper |
Flood, Samantha |
2015 |
Pied Piper |
Kneeland, Natacha |
2015 |
Pied Piper |
Markus, Tori |
2015 |
Pied Piper |
Outerbridge, Barbara |
2015 |
Pied Piper |
Roberts-Semos, Mandy |
2015 |
Pied Piper |
Sousa, Susan |
2015 |
Pied Piper |
Trott, Trenaye |
2015 |
Pied Piper |
Zimmerer, Cathy |
2015 |
Pied Piper |
Diamond, Lisa |
2014 |
Allo, Allo |
Flood, Samantha |
2014 |
Allo, Allo |
McGlynn, Elaine |
2014 |
Allo, Allo |
Outerbridge, Barbara |
2014 |
Allo, Allo |
Zimmerer, Cathy |
2014 |
Allo, Allo |
Booysen, Heidi |
2014 |
Skin Flick |
Lamerton, Jennie |
2014 |
Skin Flick |
Browne, Sally |
2013 |
Calendar Girls |
Burrell-Jones, Jenny |
2013 |
Calendar Girls |
Dakin, Coral |
2013 |
Calendar Girls |
Diamond, Lisa |
2013 |
Calendar Girls |
Kneeland, Natacha |
2013 |
Calendar Girls |
McIntosh, Hollie |
2013 |
Calendar Girls |
Osmond, Jennifer |
2013 |
Calendar Girls |
Outerbridge, Barbara |
2013 |
Calendar Girls |
Roberts, Shermia |
2013 |
Calendar Girls |
Smith, Jah-Mila |
2013 |
Calendar Girls |
Sousa, Susan |
2013 |
Calendar Girls |
Trott, Trenaye |
2013 |
Calendar Girls |
Wilson, Bernie |
2013 |
Calendar Girls |
Wilson, India |
2013 |
Calendar Girls |
Amaral, Tomas |
2012 |
Aladdin |
Daponte, Joshua |
2012 |
Aladdin |
Delange, Luther |
2012 |
Aladdin |
Howson, Jo |
2012 |
Aladdin |
Kneeland, Natacha |
2012 |
Aladdin |
Morbey, Kristen |
2012 |
Aladdin |
Outerbridge, Barbara |
2012 |
Aladdin |
Roberts, Shermia |
2012 |
Aladdin |
Roberts-Semos, Mandy |
2012 |
Aladdin |
Sousa, Susan |
2012 |
Aladdin |
Tuxworthy, Wendy |
2012 |
Aladdin |
Wilson, Bernie |
2012 |
Aladdin |
Witkowski, Katie |
2012 |
Aladdin |
Arnold, Izabella |
2012 |
Arcadia |
Gillespie, Meredith |
2012 |
Arcadia |
Hames, Jordan |
2012 |
Arcadia |
Hamilton, Keiran |
2012 |
Arcadia |
McKirdy, Lesley |
2012 |
Arcadia |
Roberts-Semos, Mandy |
2012 |
Arcadia |
Shane, Susannah |
2012 |
Arcadia |
Sussman, Nathan |
2012 |
Arcadia |
Swan, Morgan |
2012 |
Arcadia |
Wilson, Amber |
2012 |
Arcadia |
Arnold, Izabella |
2011 |
Cinderella |
Aruja, Sophia |
2011 |
Cinderella |
Boyles, Kara |
2011 |
Cinderella |
Brown, Amanda |
2011 |
Cinderella |
Burgess, Chelsea |
2011 |
Cinderella |
Burrell-Jones, Jenny |
2011 |
Cinderella |
Day, Kim |
2011 |
Cinderella |
Diamond, Lisa |
2011 |
Cinderella |
DiVuolo, Kelly |
2011 |
Cinderella |
Hamilton, Keiran |
2011 |
Cinderella |
Maddocks, Margaret |
2011 |
Cinderella |
McKirdy, Lesley |
2011 |
Cinderella |
Oatley, Sarah |
2011 |
Cinderella |
Outerbridge, Barbara |
2011 |
Cinderella |
Roberts-Semos, Mandy |
2011 |
Cinderella |
Simmons, Janelle |
2011 |
Cinderella |
Swan, Morgan |
2011 |
Cinderella |
Vickers, Jane |
2011 |
Cinderella |
Wilson, Bernadette |
2011 |
Cinderella |
Witkowski, Janice |
2011 |
Cinderella |
Zimmerer, Cathy |
2011 |
Cinderella |
Darrell, Kristen |
2011 |
A Little Murder Never Hurt Anybody |
Muggleton, Emma |
2011 |
A Little Murder Never Hurt Anybody |
Simmons, Makeda |
2011 |
A Little Murder Never Hurt Anybody |
Hanson, Rebecca |
2011 |
Fawlty Towers |
Nicholls, Claire |
2011 |
Fawlty Towers |
Davis, Wenkitah |
2010 |
Firebird |
Day, Kim |
2010 |
Firebird |
Doars, Dee |
2010 |
Firebird |
Zimmerer, Cathy |
2010 |
Firebird |
Burrell, Jenny |
2010 |
Fahrenheit 451 |
Stoneham, Andrew |
2010 |
Fahrenheit 451 |
Ayres, Jaqueline |
2010 |
String of Pearls |
Davies, Rebecca |
2010 |
String of Pearls |
Doyle, Judy |
2010 |
String of Pearls |
Zimmerer, Cathy |
2010 |
String of Pearls |
Lamerton, Jennie |
2010 |
Dad's Army |
Zimmerer, Cathy |
2010 |
Dad's Army |
Chelvam, Subha |
2009 |
Robin Hood |
Kelly, Kira |
2009 |
Robin Hood |
Marquardt, Chelsea |
2009 |
Robin Hood |
Moses, Rebecca |
2009 |
Robin Hood |
Nurse, Safia |
2009 |
Robin Hood |
Arnold, Liz |
2009 |
Railway Children |
Doars, Dee |
2009 |
Railway Children |
Henry, Lynn |
2009 |
Railway Children |
Wilson, Bernadette |
2009 |
Railway Children |
Adridge, Latoya |
2008 |
Snow White and the Seven Sisters |
Brown, Florence |
2008 |
Snow White and the Seven Sisters |
Doars, Dee |
2008 |
Snow White and the Seven Sisters |
Harris, Anna |
2008 |
Snow White and the Seven Sisters |
Lawrence, Rebecca |
2008 |
Snow White and the Seven Sisters |
Little, Naomi |
2008 |
Snow White and the Seven Sisters |
McIntosh, Hollie |
2008 |
Snow White and the Seven Sisters |
Shane, Jo |
2008 |
Snow White and the Seven Sisters |
Van West, Esther |
2008 |
Snow White and the Seven Sisters |
Aldridge, Latoya |
2008 |
Present Laughter |
Doars, Dee |
2008 |
Present Laughter |
Greet-Hillier, Will |
2008 |
Present Laughter |
Webb-Gibbs, Keisha |
2008 |
Present Laughter |
Doars, Dee |
2008 |
Intimate Apparel |
Grinstead, Jane |
2008 |
Intimate Apparel |
Nicholson, Donna |
2008 |
Intimate Apparel |
Clarke, Johanna |
2007 |
Sisterhood |
Grinstead, Jane |
2007 |
Sisterhood |
Hallett, Paige |
2007 |
Sisterhood |
Hart, Maria |
2007 |
Sisterhood |
Larzleer, Helen |
2007 |
Sisterhood |
Clark, Johanna |
2007 |
Mystery of Edwin Drood |
Grinstead, Jane |
2007 |
Mystery of Edwin Drood |
Jones, Barbara M. |
2007 |
Mystery of Edwin Drood |
Larzleer, Helen |
2007 |
Mystery of Edwin Drood |
Little, Joanna |
2007 |
Mystery of Edwin Drood |
Little, Naomi |
2007 |
Mystery of Edwin Drood |
Foy, Evelyn |
2007 |
Sordid Lives |
Little, Naomi |
2007 |
Sordid Lives |
Wear, Elizabeth |
2007 |
Sordid Lives |
Clark, Johanna |
2006 |
Ali Baba and the 14 Thieves |
Foy, Evelyn |
2006 |
Ali Baba and the 14 Thieves |
Hamza, Nadia |
2006 |
Ali Baba and the 14 Thieves |
Larzleer, Helen |
2006 |
Ali Baba and the 14 Thieves |
Little, Naomi |
2006 |
Ali Baba and the 14 Thieves |
Shane, Jo |
2006 |
Ali Baba and the 14 Thieves |
Clark, Johanna |
2006 |
Beauty Queen of Leenane |
Nicholls, Liz |
2006 |
Beauty Queen of Leenane |
Ryan, Sylvia |
2006 |
Beauty Queen of Leenane |
Rushe, Claire |
2006 |
The Story |
Bacon, Jamie |
2005 |
Robinson Crusoe |
Bradarovic, Beatrice |
2005 |
Robinson Crusoe |
Brier, Mary |
2005 |
Robinson Crusoe |
Clark, Johanna |
2005 |
Robinson Crusoe |
Dale, Betty |
2005 |
Robinson Crusoe |
Francis, Anne |
2005 |
Robinson Crusoe |
Hamza, Nadia |
2005 |
Robinson Crusoe |
Osmond, Jennifer |
2005 |
Robinson Crusoe |
Shane, Jo |
2005 |
Robinson Crusoe |
Tan, Ky |
2005 |
Robinson Crusoe |
Udoh, Shella |
2005 |
Robinson Crusoe |
Wear, Elizabeth |
2005 |
Robinson Crusoe |
Wilson, Amanda |
2005 |
Robinson Crusoe |
Rushe, Claire |
2005 |
California Suite |
Veri, Lillian |
2005 |
California Suite |
Wear, Elizabeth |
2005 |
California Suite |
Wilkinson, Nicola |
2005 |
California Suite |
Avis, Chloe |
2005 |
Wit |
McIntosh, Hollie |
2005 |
Wit |
Nicholson, Donna |
2005 |
GUMS - 6 Million Dollar Baby |
Rubidge, Annaka |
2005 |
GUMS - 6 Million Dollar Baby |
Hastings-Smith, Julie |
2005 |
Proof |
Harriott, Margie |
2005 |
Full Frontal Male Nudity |
Henry, Lynn |
2005 |
Full Frontal Male Nudity |
Rushe, Claire |
2005 |
Full Frontal Male Nudity |
Harriott, Margie |
2005 |
Old Sailors Never Die |
Henry, Lynn |
2005 |
Old Sailors Never Die |
Rushe, Claire |
2005 |
Old Sailors Never Die |
Harriott, Margie |
2005 |
Brothers Four |
Henry, Lynn |
2005 |
Brothers Four |
Rushe, Claire |
2005 |
Brothers Four |
Harriott, Margie |
2005 |
Happy Ending |
Henry, Lynn |
2005 |
Happy Ending |
Rushe, Claire |
2005 |
Happy Ending |
Harriott, Margie |
2005 |
White Cedars |
Henry, Lynn |
2005 |
White Cedars |
Rushe, Claire |
2005 |
White Cedars |
Harriott, Margie |
2005 |
2152 |
Henry, Lynn |
2005 |
2152 |
Rushe, Claire |
2005 |
2152 |
Foy, Evelyn |
2004 |
Sleeping Beauty |
Francis, Anne |
2004 |
Sleeping Beauty |
Henry, Lynn |
2004 |
Sleeping Beauty |
Kippax, Joanne |
2004 |
Sleeping Beauty |
McGilering, Joan |
2004 |
Sleeping Beauty |
Musco, Louisa |
2004 |
Sleeping Beauty |
Osmond, Jennifer |
2004 |
Sleeping Beauty |
Shane, Jessie |
2004 |
Sleeping Beauty |
Shane, Jo |
2004 |
Sleeping Beauty |
Veri, Lillian |
2004 |
Sleeping Beauty |
Wear, Elizabeth |
2004 |
Sleeping Beauty |
Wilkinson, Nicola |
2004 |
Sleeping Beauty |
Young, Esther |
2004 |
Sleeping Beauty |
Dixon, Gareth |
2004 |
Lend Me A Tenor |
Harrison, Nicole |
2004 |
Lend Me A Tenor |
Hintz, Adrienne |
2004 |
Lend Me A Tenor |
Kemper, Lisa |
2004 |
Lend Me A Tenor |
Moffett, Jenny |
2004 |
Lend Me A Tenor |
Musco, Louisa |
2004 |
Lend Me A Tenor |
Nicholls, Liz |
2004 |
Lend Me A Tenor |
Powell, JoAnna |
2004 |
Lend Me A Tenor |
Pyrah, Janet |
2004 |
Lend Me A Tenor |
Pyrah, Janet |
2004 |
Long Weekend |
Rushe, Claire |
2004 |
Long Weekend |
Atkinson, Jenny |
2004 |
Stepping Out |
Gray, Samantha |
2004 |
Stepping Out |
Howe, Susan |
2004 |
Stepping Out |
Mello, Debbie |
2004 |
Stepping Out |
Nicholls, Barbara |
2004 |
Stepping Out |
Richold, Peter |
2004 |
Stepping Out |
Pyrah, Janet |
2004 |
Parallel Lives |
Pyrah, Janet |
2004 |
Star Songs |
Pyrah, Janet |
2004 |
Half Time |
Pyrah, Janet |
2004 |
We Used to Laugh |
Pyrah, Janet |
2004 |
Orange |
Pyrah, Janet |
2004 |
Special Person |
Rushe, Claire |
2004 |
Of Mice and Men |
Holler, Zena |
2003 |
Goldilocks and the Three Bears |
Kippax, Joanne |
2003 |
Goldilocks and the Three Bears |
Peniston, Jennifer |
2003 |
Goldilocks and the Three Bears |
Wing, Anne |
2003 |
Goldilocks and the Three Bears |
Frazier, Clarice |
2003 |
After the Fall |
Hastings-Smith, Julie |
2003 |
After the Fall |
Shane, Jo |
2003 |
After the Fall |
Kippax, Joanne |
2003 |
Lie of the Mind |
McLennan, Holli |
2003 |
Lie of the Mind |
Bradarovic, Beatrice |
2003 |
Glengarry Glen Ross |
Jones, Barbara M. |
2003 |
Glengarry Glen Ross |
Armstrong, Susan |
2003 |
Old Jock |
Kippax, Joanne |
2003 |
Old Jock |
McLennan, Holli |
2003 |
Old Jock |
Armstrong, Susan |
2003 |
Convergence |
Kippax, Joanne |
2003 |
Convergence |
McLennan, Holli |
2003 |
Convergence |
Armstrong, Susan |
2003 |
What's in a Name |
Kippax, Joanne |
2003 |
What's in a Name |
McLennan, Holli |
2003 |
What's in a Name |
Armstrong, Susan |
2003 |
Chewing the Fat |
Kippax, Joanne |
2003 |
Chewing the Fat |
McLennan, Holli |
2003 |
Chewing the Fat |
Armstrong, Susan |
2003 |
Stella & Her Steelheaded Men |
Kippax, Joanne |
2003 |
Stella & Her Steelheaded Men |
McLennan, Holli |
2003 |
Stella & Her Steelheaded Men |
Armstrong, Susan |
2003 |
Spider's Web |
Kippax, Joanne |
2003 |
Spider's Web |
McLennan, Holli |
2003 |
Spider's Web |
Brown, Shirley N. |
2002 |
Cinderella |
Butterfield, Jeane |
2002 |
Cinderella |
Jones, Barbara M. |
2002 |
Cinderella |
Langly, Cindy |
2002 |
Cinderella |
O'Toole, Elsie |
2002 |
Cinderella |
Petty, Greta |
2002 |
Cinderella |
Hannant, Jean |
2002 |
Love's Labour's Lost |
Petty, Greta |
2002 |
Love's Labour's Lost |
Hannant, Jean |
2002 |
Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum |
Harris, Coral |
2002 |
Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum |
Petty, Greta |
2002 |
Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum |
Rushe, Claire |
2002 |
Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum |
Slaughter, Janet |
2002 |
Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum |
Francis, Anne |
2002 |
Cinderella |
Harris, Coral |
2002 |
Cinderella |
Rushe, Claire |
2002 |
Cinderella |
Francis, Anne |
2002 |
A Collier's Tuesday Tea |
Harris, Coral |
2002 |
A Collier's Tuesday Tea |
Rushe, Claire |
2002 |
A Collier's Tuesday Tea |
Francis, Anne |
2002 |
Present Slaughter |
Harris, Coral |
2002 |
Present Slaughter |
Rushe, Claire |
2002 |
Present Slaughter |
Francis, Anne |
2002 |
Last Call For Breakfast |
Harris, Coral |
2002 |
Last Call For Breakfast |
Rushe, Claire |
2002 |
Last Call For Breakfast |
Francis, Anne |
2002 |
Trapped |
Harris, Coral |
2002 |
Trapped |
Rushe, Claire |
2002 |
Trapped |
Kennett, Janice |
2001 |
Scrooge, the Musical |
Madeiros, Andrea |
2001 |
Scrooge, the Musical |
Rushe, Claire |
2001 |
Hay Fever |
Shane, Jo |
2001 |
Hay Fever |
Ang, Jonathia |
2001 |
Assassins |
Butterfield, Valerie |
2001 |
Assassins |
Campbell, Jennie |
2001 |
Assassins |
Campbell, Liz |
2001 |
Assassins |
De Silva, Gillian |
2001 |
Assassins |
Hill, Sue |
2001 |
Assassins |
Pires, Rhonda |
2001 |
Assassins |
Pyrah, Janet |
2001 |
Assassins |
Jones, Barbara M. |
2001 |
Bazaar & Rummage |
Jones, Barbara M. |
2001 |
Navy Pier |
Adderley, Tina |
2000 |
Aladdin and his wonderful lamp |
Choudhury, Sondra |
2000 |
Aladdin and his wonderful lamp |
Elton, Susie |
2000 |
Aladdin and his wonderful lamp |
Lowry, Veronica |
2000 |
Aladdin and his wonderful lamp |
Mello, Jennifer |
2000 |
Aladdin and his wonderful lamp |
Pharoah, Debbie |
2000 |
Aladdin and his wonderful lamp |
Pyrah, Janet |
2000 |
Aladdin and his wonderful lamp |
Roberts, Hilary |
2000 |
Aladdin and his wonderful lamp |
Rushe, Claire |
2000 |
Aladdin and his wonderful lamp |
Smith, Madeleine |
2000 |
Aladdin and his wonderful lamp |
Whalley, Sandra |
2000 |
Aladdin and his wonderful lamp |
Wright, Annette |
2000 |
Aladdin and his wonderful lamp |
Hampshire, Susan |
2000 |
Deep Blue Sea |
Bailey, Sue |
2000 |
Major Star |
Bates, Hayley |
2000 |
Major Star |
Hannant, Jean |
2000 |
Major Star |
Petty, Greta |
2000 |
Major Star |
Bailey, Sue |
2000 |
Amy and Amiability |
Bates, Hayley |
2000 |
Amy and Amiability |
Hannant, Jean |
2000 |
Amy and Amiability |
Petty, Greta |
2000 |
Amy and Amiability |
Bailey, Sue |
2000 |
Bells |
Bates, Hayley |
2000 |
Bells |
Hannant, Jean |
2000 |
Bells |
Petty, Greta |
2000 |
Bells |
Harris, Anna |
2000 |
Hot Mikado |
Mello, Jenny |
2000 |
Hot Mikado |
Petty, Greta |
2000 |
Hot Mikado |
Pyrah, Janet |
2000 |
Hot Mikado |
Roberts, Hilary |
2000 |
Hot Mikado |
Bailey, Sue |
2000 |
Mummers, Mysteries and Mayhem |
Bellingham, Victoria |
2000 |
Mummers, Mysteries and Mayhem |
Pyrah, Janet |
2000 |
Mummers, Mysteries and Mayhem |
Gale, Liz |
1999 |
Red Riding Hood |
Harris, Anna |
1999 |
Red Riding Hood |
Hassell, Ronda |
1999 |
Red Riding Hood |
Pearce, Kim |
1999 |
Red Riding Hood |
Petty, Greta |
1999 |
Red Riding Hood |
Pyrah, Janet |
1999 |
Red Riding Hood |
Wilson, Sheena |
1999 |
Red Riding Hood |
Ashton, Sue |
1999 |
Cherry Orchard |
Bailey, Sue |
1999 |
Cherry Orchard |
Rushe, Claire |
1999 |
Cherry Orchard |
Pyrah, Janet |
1999 |
Blood Donor |
Pyrah, Janet |
1999 |
Last Bus Home |
Pyrah, Janet |
1999 |
Hancock in Hospital |
Rushe, Claire |
1999 |
Hancock in Hospital |
Rushe, Claire |
1999 |
Last Bus Home |
Rushe, Claire |
1999 |
Blood Donor |
Ashmore, Shona |
1998 |
Old Mother Hubbard |
Ashton, Sue |
1998 |
Old Mother Hubbard |
Bailey, Sue |
1998 |
Old Mother Hubbard |
Bainbridge, Ora |
1998 |
Old Mother Hubbard |
Cook, Shirley |
1998 |
Old Mother Hubbard |
Davey, Penny |
1998 |
Old Mother Hubbard |
Draycott, Mary |
1998 |
Old Mother Hubbard |
Grubesich, Denise |
1998 |
Old Mother Hubbard |
Harris, Anna |
1998 |
Old Mother Hubbard |
Italiano, Piera |
1998 |
Old Mother Hubbard |
Misanchuk, Darlene |
1998 |
Old Mother Hubbard |
Moore, Wendy |
1998 |
Old Mother Hubbard |
Orton, Katie-Jane |
1998 |
Old Mother Hubbard |
Pyrah, Janet |
1998 |
Old Mother Hubbard |
Stafford, Angela |
1998 |
Old Mother Hubbard |
Willcocks, Pamela |
1998 |
Old Mother Hubbard |
Williams, Janice |
1998 |
Old Mother Hubbard |
Wissing, Nea |
1998 |
Old Mother Hubbard |
Wright, Annette |
1998 |
Old Mother Hubbard |
Yeomans, Cynthia |
1998 |
Old Mother Hubbard |
Anderson, Jasmine |
1998 |
Moby Dick |
Bailey, Sue |
1998 |
Moby Dick |
Coleman, Rochelle |
1998 |
Moby Dick |
Jordan, Sue |
1998 |
Moby Dick |
Anderson, Jasmine |
1998 |
Streuth |
Bailey, Sue |
1998 |
Streuth |
Coleman, Rochelle |
1998 |
Streuth |
Jordan, Sue |
1998 |
Streuth |
Anderson, Jasmine |
1998 |
All's Well That Ends As You Like It |
Bailey, Sue |
1998 |
All's Well That Ends As You Like It |
Coleman, Rochelle |
1998 |
All's Well That Ends As You Like It |
Jordan, Sue |
1998 |
All's Well That Ends As You Like It |
Anderson, Jasmine |
1998 |
Stalag 69 |
Bailey, Sue |
1998 |
Stalag 69 |
Coleman, Rochelle |
1998 |
Stalag 69 |
Jordan, Sue |
1998 |
Stalag 69 |
Watts, Katherine |
1998 |
Silly Cow |
Davies, Monica |
1997 |
Dick Whittington and his Cat |
Draycott, Mary |
1997 |
Dick Whittington and his Cat |
Italiano, Piera |
1997 |
Dick Whittington and his Cat |
Lima, Angela |
1997 |
Dick Whittington and his Cat |
Lowry, Veronica |
1997 |
Dick Whittington and his Cat |
Mello, Debbie |
1997 |
Dick Whittington and his Cat |
Sleafer, Leigh |
1997 |
Dick Whittington and his Cat |
Smith, Margaret |
1997 |
Dick Whittington and his Cat |
Stanton, Marjorie |
1997 |
Dick Whittington and his Cat |
Taylor, Katie |
1997 |
Dick Whittington and his Cat |
Wright, Annette |
1997 |
Dick Whittington and his Cat |
Duffy, Karen |
1997 |
Do Not Disturb |
Draycott, Cathie |
1996 |
Mother Goose |
Griffiths, Ruth |
1996 |
Mother Goose |
Italiano, Piera |
1996 |
Mother Goose |
Lowry, Veronica |
1996 |
Mother Goose |
Prince, Christine |
1996 |
Mother Goose |
Woods, Alison |
1996 |
Mother Goose |
Wright, Annette |
1996 |
Mother Goose |
Griffiths, Ruth |
1996 |
Arsenic & Old Lace |
Harris, Coral |
1996 |
Arsenic & Old Lace |
Ingham, Jennifer |
1996 |
Arsenic & Old Lace |
Pyrah, Janet |
1996 |
Arsenic & Old Lace |
Roberts, Hilary |
1996 |
Arsenic & Old Lace |
Smith, Nancy |
1996 |
Arsenic & Old Lace |
Wright, Annette |
1996 |
Arsenic & Old Lace |
Ballhagen, Kim |
1996 |
Noises Off |
Mayor, Adrienne |
1996 |
Noises Off |
Mayor, Fiona |
1996 |
Noises Off |
Draycott, Cathie |
1995 |
Robin Hood & Babes in the Wood |
Hastings-Smith, Julie |
1995 |
Robin Hood & Babes in the Wood |
Italiano, Piera |
1995 |
Robin Hood & Babes in the Wood |
Martin, Janet |
1995 |
Robin Hood & Babes in the Wood |
Morgan, Barbara |
1995 |
Robin Hood & Babes in the Wood |
Pearman, Ann |
1995 |
Robin Hood & Babes in the Wood |
Petty, Greta |
1995 |
Robin Hood & Babes in the Wood |
Wright, Annette |
1995 |
Robin Hood & Babes in the Wood |
Bendell, Sue |
1995 |
Chorus of Disapproval |
Buchanan, Kim |
1995 |
Chorus of Disapproval |
Harris, Coral |
1995 |
Chorus of Disapproval |
Lewis, Jaqui |
1995 |
Chorus of Disapproval |
Tayler, Hazel |
1995 |
Chorus of Disapproval |
Campbell, Liz |
1995 |
Merry Wives of Windsor |
Dyer, Jane |
1995 |
Merry Wives of Windsor |
Dyer, Joanna |
1995 |
Merry Wives of Windsor |
Jones, Barbara M. |
1995 |
Merry Wives of Windsor |
Lobb, Donna |
1995 |
Merry Wives of Windsor |
Roach, Pam |
1995 |
Merry Wives of Windsor |
Slagel, Candy |
1995 |
Merry Wives of Windsor |
Edwards, Chris |
1995 |
Old Time Music Hall |
Hammond, Jane |
1995 |
Steel Magnolias |
Poole, Jackie |
1995 |
Steel Magnolias |
Lowry, Veronica |
1995 |
Gums V - A Nightmare on Dundonald Street - Almost the Final Farewell |
Coffey, Helen |
1994 |
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass |
Holland, Susan |
1994 |
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass |
Lima, Angela |
1994 |
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass |
Mayor, Adrienne |
1994 |
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass |
Mayor, Fiona |
1994 |
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass |
Poole, Jackie |
1994 |
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass |
Roberts, Hilda |
1994 |
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass |
Tringham, Helen |
1994 |
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass |
Coffey, Helen |
1994 |
Villa for Sale |
Coffey, Helen |
1994 |
I'm Herbert |
Coffey, Helen |
1994 |
Don't Start |
Coffey, Helen |
1994 |
Obit for a Polar Bear |
Coffey, Helen |
1994 |
Footsteps of Doves |
Cooper, Melanie |
1994 |
Footsteps of Doves |
Cooper, Melanie |
1994 |
Obit for a Polar Bear |
Cooper, Melanie |
1994 |
Don't Start |
Cooper, Melanie |
1994 |
I'm Herbert |
Cooper, Melanie |
1994 |
Villa for Sale |
Pyrah, Janet |
1994 |
Villa for Sale |
Pyrah, Janet |
1994 |
I'm Herbert |
Pyrah, Janet |
1994 |
Don't Start |
Pyrah, Janet |
1994 |
Obit for a Polar Bear |
Pyrah, Janet |
1994 |
Footsteps of Doves |
Coffey, Helen |
1994 |
Joan of Arc |
Cooper, Melanie |
1994 |
Joan of Arc |
Edwards, Chris |
1994 |
Joan of Arc |
Italiano, Piera |
1994 |
Joan of Arc |
Lowry, Veronica |
1994 |
Joan of Arc |
Mello, Jennifer |
1994 |
Joan of Arc |
Moffett, Jennifer |
1994 |
Joan of Arc |
Murray, Kimberly |
1994 |
Joan of Arc |
Pyrah, Janet |
1994 |
Joan of Arc |
Tringham, Helen |
1994 |
Joan of Arc |
Whalley, Joy |
1994 |
Joan of Arc |
White, Jacqui |
1994 |
Joan of Arc |
Butterfield, Katherine |
1994 |
King Richard III |
Edwards, Chris |
1994 |
King Richard III |
Fraser, Janet |
1994 |
King Richard III |
Holland, Susan |
1994 |
King Richard III |
Italiano, Piera |
1994 |
King Richard III |
Martin, Janet |
1994 |
King Richard III |
Murray, Kimberly |
1994 |
King Richard III |
Roberts, Hilary |
1994 |
King Richard III |
Shirley, Candy |
1994 |
King Richard III |
Shirley, Holly |
1994 |
King Richard III |
Shirley, Susan |
1994 |
King Richard III |
Stanton, Marjorie |
1994 |
King Richard III |
Edwards, Chris |
1993 |
Magic Key |
Fraser, Janet |
1993 |
Magic Key |
Holland, Susan |
1993 |
Magic Key |
Italiano, Piera |
1993 |
Magic Key |
May, Julie |
1993 |
Magic Key |
Richardson, Melody |
1993 |
Magic Key |
Shirley, Candy |
1993 |
Magic Key |
Shirley, Holly |
1993 |
Magic Key |
Shirley, Susan |
1993 |
Magic Key |
Sirr, Victoria |
1993 |
Magic Key |
Chiappa, Martha |
1993 |
Broadway Masters |
Coley, Mary |
1993 |
Broadway Masters |
Jennett, Susan |
1993 |
Broadway Masters |
Martin, Marilyn |
1993 |
Broadway Masters |
Riddell, Emma |
1993 |
Broadway Masters |
Sanner, Diana |
1993 |
Broadway Masters |
Shirley, Candy |
1993 |
Broadway Masters |
Shirley, Holly |
1993 |
Broadway Masters |
Shirley, Susan |
1993 |
Broadway Masters |
Soares, Mandy |
1993 |
Broadway Masters |
Winter, Kathryn |
1993 |
Broadway Masters |
Pryde, Carolyn |
1992 |
Sinbad the Sailor |
Shirley, Candy |
1992 |
Sinbad the Sailor |
Shirley, Holly |
1992 |
Sinbad the Sailor |
Shirley, Susan |
1992 |
Sinbad the Sailor |
Trimingham, Elizabeth |
1992 |
Sinbad the Sailor |
Trimingham, Helen |
1992 |
Sinbad the Sailor |
Trimingham, Tamara |
1992 |
Sinbad the Sailor |
Pyrah, Janet |
1992 |
Extremities |
Hannant, Jean |
1992 |
Little Foxes |
Stanton, Marjorie |
1992 |
Little Foxes |
Shirley, Candy |
1991 |
Jack and the Beanstalk |
Shirley, Holly |
1991 |
Jack and the Beanstalk |
Shirley, Susan |
1991 |
Jack and the Beanstalk |
Franklin, Dawnette |
1991 |
What the Butler Saw |
Pyrah, Janet |
1991 |
What the Butler Saw |
Bailey, Rosemary |
1991 |
Marriage Proposal |
Bailey, Rosemary |
1991 |
Actor's Nightmare |
Bailey, Rosemary |
1991 |
Typists |
Bailey, Rosemary |
1991 |
All For Your Delight |
Bailey, Rosemary |
1991 |
Blues |
Birch, Carol |
1991 |
Blues |
Birch, Carol |
1991 |
All For Your Delight |
Birch, Carol |
1991 |
Typists |
Birch, Carol |
1991 |
Actor's Nightmare |
Birch, Carol |
1991 |
Marriage Proposal |
Freestone, Jeanette |
1991 |
Marriage Proposal |
Freestone, Jeanette |
1991 |
Actor's Nightmare |
Freestone, Jeanette |
1991 |
Typists |
Freestone, Jeanette |
1991 |
All For Your Delight |
Freestone, Jeanette |
1991 |
Blues |
Horgan, Jackie |
1991 |
Blues |
Horgan, Jackie |
1991 |
All For Your Delight |
Horgan, Jackie |
1991 |
Typists |
Horgan, Jackie |
1991 |
Actor's Nightmare |
Horgan, Jackie |
1991 |
Marriage Proposal |
Tringham, Helen |
1991 |
Marriage Proposal |
Tringham, Helen |
1991 |
Actor's Nightmare |
Tringham, Helen |
1991 |
Typists |
Tringham, Helen |
1991 |
All For Your Delight |
Tringham, Helen |
1991 |
Blues |
Hallett, Annette |
1991 |
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead |
Martin, Marilyn |
1991 |
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead |
McCullagh, Susan |
1991 |
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead |
Moffett, Jennifer |
1991 |
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead |
Pyrah, Janet |
1991 |
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead |
Wingate, Elizabeth |
1991 |
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead |
Beckler, Elayne |
1990 |
Old Time Music Hall |
Ely, Kathy |
1990 |
Old Time Music Hall |
Pyrah, Janet |
1990 |
Old Time Music Hall |
Dodwell, Bonnie |
1990 |
Streetcar Named Desire |
Jennett, Susan |
1990 |
Streetcar Named Desire |
Moore, Janet |
1990 |
Streetcar Named Desire |
Pyrah, Janet |
1990 |
Streetcar Named Desire |
Rubin, Judith |
1990 |
Streetcar Named Desire |
Stanton, Marjorie |
1990 |
Streetcar Named Desire |
Chiappa, Christine |
1990 |
Good Friday |
Chiappa, Christine |
1990 |
Overtones |
Chiappa, Christine |
1990 |
Trysting Place |
Chiappa, Christine |
1990 |
Dead Lines |
Chiappa, Christine |
1990 |
See The Pretty Lights |
Donovan, Susan |
1990 |
See The Pretty Lights |
Donovan, Susan |
1990 |
Dead Lines |
Donovan, Susan |
1990 |
Trysting Place |
Donovan, Susan |
1990 |
Overtones |
Donovan, Susan |
1990 |
Good Friday |
Jennett, Susan |
1990 |
Good Friday |
Jennett, Susan |
1990 |
Overtones |
Jennett, Susan |
1990 |
Trysting Place |
Jennett, Susan |
1990 |
Dead Lines |
Jennett, Susan |
1990 |
See The Pretty Lights |
Pyrah, Janet |
1990 |
See The Pretty Lights |
Pyrah, Janet |
1990 |
Dead Lines |
Pyrah, Janet |
1990 |
Trysting Place |
Pyrah, Janet |
1990 |
Overtones |
Pyrah, Janet |
1990 |
Good Friday |
Pyrah, Janet |
1990 |
Speed the Plow |
Campbell, Liz |
1990 |
Importance of Being Earnest |
Comber, Pat |
1990 |
Importance of Being Earnest |
Donovan, Susan |
1990 |
Importance of Being Earnest |
Stanton, Marjorie |
1990 |
Importance of Being Earnest |
Tetlow, Diana |
1990 |
Importance of Being Earnest |
White-Johnston, Tawnya |
1990 |
Importance of Being Earnest |
? |
1989 |
Wizard of Oz |
Brooke, Trish |
1989 |
Wizard of Oz |
Edmunds, Dee |
1989 |
Wizard of Oz |
Epps, Katie |
1989 |
Wizard of Oz |
Jennett, Susan |
1989 |
Wizard of Oz |
Johnson, Irene |
1989 |
Wizard of Oz |
March, Kerstin |
1989 |
Wizard of Oz |
McCullagh, Susan |
1989 |
Wizard of Oz |
Meade, Brenda |
1989 |
Wizard of Oz |
Moore, Margaret |
1989 |
Wizard of Oz |
Nance, Yvonne |
1989 |
Wizard of Oz |
Pyrah, Janet |
1989 |
Wizard of Oz |
Sweet, Janice |
1989 |
Wizard of Oz |
Winter, Kathryn |
1989 |
Wizard of Oz |
Hall, Sheila |
1989 |
Play On |
Whitaker, Janet |
1989 |
Play On |
Harris, Allison |
1989 |
Once a Catholic |
Tanner, Petra |
1989 |
Once a Catholic |
Coker, Mary |
1988 |
Cinderella |
Collins, Francis |
1988 |
Cinderella |
Darling, Dorothy |
1988 |
Cinderella |
Darling-Meade, Brenda |
1988 |
Cinderella |
Day, Lorraine |
1988 |
Cinderella |
Dudden, Miriam |
1988 |
Cinderella |
Handscomb, Celia |
1988 |
Cinderella |
Horsefield, Christina |
1988 |
Cinderella |
Jennett, Susan |
1988 |
Cinderella |
Judson, Jane |
1988 |
Cinderella |
Karlicki, Camille |
1988 |
Cinderella |
Meader, Amanda |
1988 |
Cinderella |
Stanton, Marjorie |
1988 |
Cinderella |
Toy, Julie |
1988 |
Cinderella |
Horsefield, Christina |
1988 |
Dresser |
Stanton, Marjorie |
1988 |
Dresser |
Faries, Theresa |
1987 |
Four Queens Wait For Henry |
Faries, Theresa |
1987 |
Bus Stop |
Faries, Theresa |
1987 |
Something Unspoken |
Frith, Cathy |
1987 |
Something Unspoken |
Frith, Cathy |
1987 |
Bus Stop |
Frith, Cathy |
1987 |
Four Queens Wait For Henry |
Judson, Jane |
1987 |
Four Queens Wait For Henry |
Judson, Jane |
1987 |
Bus Stop |
Judson, Jane |
1987 |
Something Unspoken |
Freemantle, Kate |
1987 |
Evening with Gilbert and Sullivan |
Judson, Jane |
1987 |
Evening with Gilbert and Sullivan |
Judson, Jane |
1987 |
Key for Two |
Mitchell, Ann |
1987 |
Isn't It Romantic |
Faulkner, Penny |
1986 |
Follow the Star |
Francis, Zena |
1986 |
Follow the Star |
Lancaster, Kim |
1986 |
Follow the Star |
Masters, Jill |
1986 |
Follow the Star |
O'Doherty, Tish |
1986 |
Follow the Star |
Waddell, Monica |
1986 |
Follow the Star |
Zonicle, Pat |
1986 |
Follow the Star |
Smith, Jacqui |
1986 |
Victoria Station |
Smith, Jacqui |
1986 |
Lover |
Smith, Jacqui |
1986 |
Kind of Alaska |
Randolph, Betty |
1986 |
Elephant Man |
Randolph, Betty |
1986 |
Crimes of the Heart |
Barber, Mary |
1986 |
Cabaret |
Brashier, Karen |
1986 |
Cabaret |
Cooke, Jenny |
1986 |
Cabaret |
Crowley, Sue |
1986 |
Cabaret |
Faries, Theresa |
1986 |
Cabaret |
Lowry, Veronica |
1986 |
Cabaret |
Noyes, Rita |
1986 |
Cabaret |
Randolph, Betty |
1986 |
Cabaret |
Smith, Jacqui |
1986 |
Cabaret |
Smith, Jacqui |
1986 |
Play On |
Fowkes, Penny |
1985 |
Caine Mutiny Courtmartial |
Jenkinson, Linda |
1985 |
Caine Mutiny Courtmartial |
Skinner, Mary Lou |
1985 |
Caine Mutiny Courtmartial |
Theisen, Sibylle |
1985 |
Caine Mutiny Courtmartial |
Dunch, Tish |
1984 |
Pippin |
Rollin, Judy |
1984 |
Pippin |
Brindeau, Michelle |
1984 |
Tempest |
Vaucrosson, Norma |
1984 |
Tempest |
Lowry, Veronica |
1983 |
On Golden Pond |
Brooks, Trish |
1982 |
Ten Little Indians |
Cross, Janet |
1982 |
Ten Little Indians |
Fioca, Jane |
1982 |
Ten Little Indians |
Gaynor, Fiona |
1982 |
Ten Little Indians |
Lovell, Marguerite |
1982 |
Ten Little Indians |
Ellison, Jane |
1982 |
Red Riding Hood |
Waddell, Monica |
1982 |
Red Riding Hood |
Bell, Joan |
1981 |
Oliver |
Bell, Tim |
1981 |
Oliver |
Farge, Susan |
1981 |
Oliver |
Hintz, Betty |
1981 |
Oliver |
Johnson, Irene |
1981 |
Oliver |
McKittrick, Ona |
1981 |
Oliver |
Norris, Lyndsay |
1981 |
Oliver |
Nusum, Gracelyn |
1981 |
Oliver |
Pantry, Madelaine |
1981 |
Oliver |
Railton, Sue |
1981 |
Oliver |
Wyder, Patricia |
1981 |
Oliver |
Brown, Judy |
1981 |
Shock of Recognition |
Brown, Judy |
1981 |
I'll Be Home For Christmas |
Brown, Judy |
1981 |
I'm Herbert |
Brown, Judy |
1981 |
Footsteps of Doves |
Jones, Barbara M. |
1981 |
Footsteps of Doves |
Jones, Barbara M. |
1981 |
I'm Herbert |
Jones, Barbara M. |
1981 |
I'll Be Home For Christmas |
Jones, Barbara M. |
1981 |
Shock of Recognition |
Brennan, Lorraine |
1980 |
Christmas Carol |
Clark, Dot |
1980 |
Christmas Carol |
Spencer, Suzanne |
1980 |
Christmas Carol |
Stanton, Marjorie |
1980 |
Christmas Carol |
Tattoo, Christine |
1980 |
Christmas Carol |
Bruce, Angela |
1980 |
Jesus Christ Superstar |
Christopher, Enid |
1980 |
Jesus Christ Superstar |
Dey, Connie |
1980 |
Jesus Christ Superstar |
Dill, Roberta |
1980 |
Jesus Christ Superstar |
Hill, Monica |
1980 |
Jesus Christ Superstar |
Jones, Barbara M. |
1980 |
Jesus Christ Superstar |
Mullings, Sandra |
1980 |
Jesus Christ Superstar |
Murray-Lyon, Alexis |
1980 |
Jesus Christ Superstar |
Nicholson, Valerie |
1980 |
Jesus Christ Superstar |
Phillips, Christine |
1980 |
Jesus Christ Superstar |
Saunders, Sheila |
1980 |
Jesus Christ Superstar |
Wheadon, Valerie |
1980 |
Modified American Plan |
Wheadon, Valerie |
1980 |
Suite for Flute & Jazz Piano |
Boyce, Pauline |
1979 |
Habeas Corpus |
Wheadon, Valerie |
1979 |
Habeas Corpus |
Carson, Ngaire |
1979 |
Absurd Person Singular |
Cothliffe, Harriet |
1979 |
Absurd Person Singular |
Cooper, Julie |
1978 |
Owl and the Pussycat went to see.... |
Greet, Catherine |
1978 |
Owl and the Pussycat went to see.... |
Hawkins, Lin |
1978 |
Owl and the Pussycat went to see.... |
Riding, Pat |
1978 |
Owl and the Pussycat went to see.... |
Stanton, Marjorie |
1978 |
Owl and the Pussycat went to see.... |
Williams, Joan |
1978 |
Owl and the Pussycat went to see.... |
DeMoura, Natalie |
1978 |
My Fair Lady |
Edridge, Jeanne |
1978 |
My Fair Lady |
Gibson, Joan |
1978 |
My Fair Lady |
Greet, Avis |
1978 |
My Fair Lady |
Greet, Katherine |
1978 |
My Fair Lady |
Jones, Sue |
1978 |
My Fair Lady |
Ming, Conchita |
1978 |
My Fair Lady |
Mitchell, Linda |
1978 |
My Fair Lady |
Riding, Pat |
1978 |
My Fair Lady |
Gibson, Joan |
1978 |
My Fat Friend |
Johnson, Irene |
1978 |
My Fat Friend |
Pretty, Sharon |
1978 |
My Fat Friend |
Siggins, Mary Jane |
1978 |
My Fat Friend |
Stanton, Marjorie |
1978 |
My Fat Friend |
Whitter, Sylvia |
1978 |
My Fat Friend |
Gibson, Joan |
1978 |
Browning Version |
Gibson, Joan |
1978 |
Best of Rattigan |
Johnson, Irene |
1978 |
Best of Rattigan |
Johnson, Irene |
1978 |
Browning Version |
Barber, Judy |
1977 |
Cinderella |
Draycott, Mary |
1977 |
Cinderella |
Dunning, Mary |
1977 |
Cinderella |
Farley, Joe |
1977 |
Cinderella |
Gibson, Joan |
1977 |
Cinderella |
Greet, Avis |
1977 |
Cinderella |
Harrison, Anna |
1977 |
Cinderella |
Mello, Jennifer |
1977 |
Cinderella |
Mitchell, Lynda |
1977 |
Cinderella |
Riding, Pat |
1977 |
Cinderella |
Smith, Vivienne |
1977 |
Cinderella |
Stanton, Marjorie |
1977 |
Cinderella |
Thomas, Jill |
1977 |
Cinderella |
Broadhurst, Dorothy |
1977 |
Winslow Boy |
Perry, Irene |
1977 |
Dock Brief |
Perry, Irene |
1977 |
Real Inspector Hound |
Bahr, Christine |
1977 |
White Liars |
Bahr, Christine |
1977 |
Black Comedy |
Card, Judy |
1977 |
Black Comedy |
Card, Judy |
1977 |
White Liars |
McGregor, Kathleen |
1977 |
White Liars |
McGregor, Kathleen |
1977 |
Black Comedy |
Mello, Jennifer |
1977 |
Black Comedy |
Mello, Jennifer |
1977 |
White Liars |
Stanton, Marjorie |
1977 |
White Liars |
Stanton, Marjorie |
1977 |
Black Comedy |
Gibson, Joan |
1977 |
Gaslight |
Dunning, Mary |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
Edney, Gillian |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
Instone, Sue |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
Broadhurst, Dorothy |
1976 |
Little Matchgirl |
Draycott, Mary |
1976 |
Little Matchgirl |
Edney, Gillian |
1976 |
Little Matchgirl |
Gee, Barbara |
1976 |
Little Matchgirl |
Gee, Valerie |
1976 |
Little Matchgirl |
Instone, Sue |
1976 |
Little Matchgirl |
Lowry, Veronica |
1976 |
Little Matchgirl |
White, Annette |
1976 |
Little Matchgirl |
Sampson, Diane |
1976 |
Butterflies are Free |
Instone, Sue |
1976 |
Wait until Dark |
Johnson, Irene |
1976 |
Wait until Dark |
Lowry, Veronica |
1976 |
Wait until Dark |
Perry, Irene |
1976 |
Wait until Dark |
Stewart, Judith |
1976 |
Wait until Dark |
Sampson, Diane |
1976 |
Kennedy's Children |
Johnson, Irene |
1976 |
Salad Days |
Openshaw, Heather |
1976 |
Salad Days |
Owen, Hazel |
1976 |
Salad Days |
Saints, Sharon |
1976 |
Salad Days |
Dilks, Tracy |
1976 |
Something Unspoken |
Dilks, Tracy |
1976 |
Bear |
Dilks, Tracy |
1976 |
How He Lied To Her Husband |
Jolliffe, Deryn |
1976 |
How He Lied To Her Husband |
Jolliffe, Deryn |
1976 |
Bear |
Jolliffe, Deryn |
1976 |
Something Unspoken |
Lisce, Betty |
1976 |
Something Unspoken |
Lisce, Betty |
1976 |
Bear |
Lisce, Betty |
1976 |
How He Lied To Her Husband |
Anderson, Maureen |
1975 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Bermingham, Jane |
1975 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Broadhurst, Dorothy |
1975 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Callaghan, Phyllis |
1975 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Frith, Jill |
1975 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Garner, Christine |
1975 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Hamilton, Barbara |
1975 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Hunt, Betty |
1975 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Johnston, Ruby |
1975 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Moore, Valerie |
1975 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Sampson, Diane |
1975 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Shorto, Sylvia |
1975 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Slade, Lois |
1975 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Stanton, Marjorie |
1975 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Steele, Hazel |
1975 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Walker, Kay |
1975 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Wingate, Elizabeth |
1975 |
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs |
Dickinson, Esther |
1975 |
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf |
Anderson, Lorna |
1975 |
Godspell |
Banbury, Chris |
1975 |
Godspell |
Edney, Gillian |
1975 |
Godspell |
Siggins, Margaret |
1975 |
Godspell |
Smith, Dyllis |
1975 |
Godspell |
Wilson, Wendy |
1975 |
Godspell |
Cassingham, Susan |
1975 |
Tiger at the Gates |
Cook, Marie |
1975 |
Tiger at the Gates |
Fahy, Sheilagh |
1975 |
Tiger at the Gates |
Hanson, Paula |
1975 |
Tiger at the Gates |
Mello, Jennifer |
1975 |
Tiger at the Gates |
Siggins, Margaret |
1975 |
Tiger at the Gates |
Wilson, Wendy |
1975 |
Tiger at the Gates |
Campbell, Heather |
1974 |
Pinocchio |
Carson, Mary |
1974 |
Pinocchio |
Dinmore, Daphne |
1974 |
Pinocchio |
Joseph, Carol |
1974 |
Pinocchio |
Linton, Lesley |
1974 |
Pinocchio |
Lowry, Veronica |
1974 |
Pinocchio |
Osborne, Joan |
1974 |
Pinocchio |
Patterson, Helen |
1974 |
Pinocchio |
Porteous, Elizabeth |
1974 |
Pinocchio |
Slade, Lois |
1974 |
Pinocchio |
Souza, Helen |
1974 |
Pinocchio |
Hunter, Jo |
1974 |
Everyman |
Linton, Lesley |
1974 |
Everyman |
Mello, Jennifer |
1974 |
Interview |
Mello, Jennifer |
1974 |
Exit the King |
Poggi, Mary-Ange |
1974 |
Importance of Being Earnest |
Todd, Anne |
1974 |
Importance of Being Earnest |
Beeson, Betty |
1974 |
Romanoff and Juliet |
Dickson, Sandy |
1974 |
Romanoff and Juliet |
Krastins, Inese |
1974 |
Romanoff and Juliet |
McGovern, Suzie |
1974 |
Romanoff and Juliet |
Mello, Patsy |
1974 |
Romanoff and Juliet |
Osborne, Joan |
1974 |
Romanoff and Juliet |
Pearson, Anne |
1974 |
Romanoff and Juliet |
Richards, Judy |
1974 |
Romanoff and Juliet |
Swanson, Di |
1974 |
Romanoff and Juliet |
Baptiste, Vaughan |
1974 |
Mary Stuart - Queen of Scots |
Bate, Valerie |
1974 |
Mary Stuart - Queen of Scots |
Cox, Janet |
1974 |
Mary Stuart - Queen of Scots |
Dickson, Sandy |
1974 |
Mary Stuart - Queen of Scots |
Evans, Helen |
1974 |
Mary Stuart - Queen of Scots |
Ewles, Linda |
1974 |
Mary Stuart - Queen of Scots |
Finnerty, Margot |
1974 |
Mary Stuart - Queen of Scots |
Lowry, Veronica |
1974 |
Mary Stuart - Queen of Scots |
Nixon, Wendy |
1974 |
Mary Stuart - Queen of Scots |
Petty, Barbara |
1974 |
Mary Stuart - Queen of Scots |
Swanson, Di |
1974 |
Mary Stuart - Queen of Scots |
Webb, Cheryl |
1974 |
Mary Stuart - Queen of Scots |
Siggins, Margaret |
1973 |
Devils |
Lowry, Veronica |
1972 |
Puss in Boots |
Siggins, Margaret |
1972 |
Puss in Boots |
Spring, Tonetta |
1972 |
Puss in Boots |
White, Sarah |
1972 |
Puss in Boots |
Siggins, Margaret |
1972 |
Not Now Darling |
White, Sarah |
1972 |
Not Now Darling |
Hallett, Bonnie |
1972 |
Hamlet |
White, Sarah |
1972 |
Hamlet |
Carr, Christine |
1972 |
Loot |
Collett, Judy |
1972 |
Loot |
Murphy, Elizabeth |
1971 |
Aladdin |
Smith, Sheila |
1971 |
Aladdin |
White, Sarah |
1971 |
Aladdin |
Hopwood, Jill |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |
Shell, Karen |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |
Keshner, Bea |
1971 |
Flowering Cherry |
Hallett, Bonnie |
1969 |
Babes in the Wood |
Siggins, Margaret |
1969 |
Babes in the Wood |
Czwodak, Carol |
1969 |
Drunkard |
Czwodak, Carol |
1969 |
For a Dead Princess |
Czwodak, Carol |
1969 |
Country Wife |
Houghton, Freda |
1968 |
Dick Whittington and his Cat |
Kirby, Iris |
1968 |
Dick Whittington and his Cat |
Philipz, Perpetua |
1968 |
Dick Whittington and his Cat |
Profit, Nadia |
1968 |
Dick Whittington and his Cat |
Siggins, Margaret |
1968 |
Dick Whittington and his Cat |
Bestford, Lena |
1968 |
Killing of Sister George |
Boyes, Susan |
1967 |
Jack and the Beanstalk |
Briggs, Dorothy |
1967 |
Jack and the Beanstalk |
Coleman, Mary |
1967 |
Jack and the Beanstalk |
Hemingway, Jan |
1967 |
Jack and the Beanstalk |
Jones, Mai |
1967 |
Jack and the Beanstalk |
Mocklow, Angela |
1967 |
Jack and the Beanstalk |
Mouland, Ann |
1967 |
Jack and the Beanstalk |
Robinson, Gwen |
1967 |
Jack and the Beanstalk |
Rogers, Rosalind |
1967 |
Jack and the Beanstalk |
Siggins, Margaret |
1967 |
Jack and the Beanstalk |
Wingate, Anita |
1967 |
Jack and the Beanstalk |
Bestford, Lena |
1967 |
Teahouse of the August Moon |
Boyes, Susan |
1967 |
Teahouse of the August Moon |
Briggs, Dorothy |
1967 |
Teahouse of the August Moon |
Fisher, Wendy |
1966 |
Rhinoceros |
Fisher, Wendy |
1966 |
Fairy Tales of New York |
Fisher, Wendy |
1966 |
View From The Bridge |
Holland, Nancie |
1966 |
View From The Bridge |
Holland, Nancie |
1966 |
Fairy Tales of New York |
Holland, Nancie |
1966 |
Rhinoceros |
Jacobs, Isabelle |
1966 |
Rhinoceros |
Jacobs, Isabelle |
1966 |
Fairy Tales of New York |
Jacobs, Isabelle |
1966 |
View From The Bridge |
Keshner, Bea |
1966 |
View From The Bridge |
Keshner, Bea |
1966 |
Fairy Tales of New York |
Keshner, Bea |
1966 |
Rhinoceros |
Montgomery, Paula |
1966 |
Rhinoceros |
Montgomery, Paula |
1966 |
Fairy Tales of New York |
Montgomery, Paula |
1966 |
View From The Bridge |
Roche, Elizabeth |
1966 |
View From The Bridge |
Roche, Elizabeth |
1966 |
Fairy Tales of New York |
Roche, Elizabeth |
1966 |
Rhinoceros |
Fisher, Wendy |
1966 |
Skin Of Our Teeth |
Fisher, Wendy |
1966 |
Hay Fever |
Fisher, Wendy |
1966 |
Ring Round The Moon |
Holland, Nancie |
1966 |
Ring Round The Moon |
Holland, Nancie |
1966 |
Hay Fever |
Holland, Nancie |
1966 |
Skin Of Our Teeth |
Jacobs, Isabelle |
1966 |
Skin Of Our Teeth |
Jacobs, Isabelle |
1966 |
Hay Fever |
Jacobs, Isabelle |
1966 |
Ring Round The Moon |
Keshner, Bea |
1966 |
Ring Round The Moon |
Keshner, Bea |
1966 |
Hay Fever |
Keshner, Bea |
1966 |
Skin Of Our Teeth |
Montgomery, Paula |
1966 |
Skin Of Our Teeth |
Montgomery, Paula |
1966 |
Hay Fever |
Montgomery, Paula |
1966 |
Ring Round The Moon |
Roche, Elizabeth |
1966 |
Ring Round The Moon |
Roche, Elizabeth |
1966 |
Hay Fever |
Roche, Elizabeth |
1966 |
Skin Of Our Teeth |
Holland, Nancie |
1965 |
Tiger at the Gates |
McCartney, Madge |
1965 |
Private Ear |
McCartney, Madge |
1965 |
Public Eye |
Startin, Gillian |
1965 |
Public Eye |
Startin, Gillian |
1965 |
Private Ear |
Holland, Nancie |
1965 |
Hollow Crown |
Holland, Nancie |
1965 |
Roots |
Monks, Rosemary |
1965 |
Roots |
Monks, Rosemary |
1965 |
Hollow Crown |
Houghton, Freda |
1965 |
Winslow Boy |
Sears, Helen |
1965 |
Winslow Boy |
Dill, Mary |
1964 |
Twelfth Night |
Houghton, Freda |
1964 |
Twelfth Night |
Profit, Nadia |
1964 |
Twelfth Night |
Campbell, Mary |
1963 |
Come Blow Your Horn |
Colapaolo, Leta |
1963 |
Come Blow Your Horn |
Richardson, Bea |
1963 |
Come Blow Your Horn |
Mocklow, Angela |
1963 |
Coppelia |
Profit, Nadia |
1963 |
Coppelia |
von Arnim, Dietland |
1963 |
Coppelia |
Mocklow, Angela |
1963 |
Giselle |
Profit, Nadia |
1963 |
Giselle |
von Arnim, Dietland |
1963 |
Giselle |
Bell, Margaret |
1963 |
Sabrina Fair |
Swan, Margaret |
1963 |
Sabrina Fair |
Voegeli, Gina |
1963 |
Sabrina Fair |
von Arnim, Dietland |
1963 |
Sabrina Fair |
Bell, Margaret |
1963 |
Man Who Came To Dinner |
Zuill, Kay |
1963 |
Man Who Came To Dinner |
Baxter, Joanna |
1962 |
Bermuda Ballet 1962 Part II |
Bell, Margaret |
1962 |
Bermuda Ballet 1962 Part II |
Profit, Nadia |
1962 |
Bermuda Ballet 1962 Part II |
Richards, Marg |
1962 |
Bermuda Ballet 1962 Part II |
Richardson, Caroline |
1962 |
Bermuda Ballet 1962 Part II |
Ware, Sylvia |
1962 |
Bermuda Ballet 1962 Part II |
Baxter, Joanna |
1962 |
Bermuda Ballet 1962 Part I |
Bell, Margaret |
1962 |
Bermuda Ballet 1962 Part I |
Profit, Nadia |
1962 |
Bermuda Ballet 1962 Part I |
Richards, Marg |
1962 |
Bermuda Ballet 1962 Part I |
Richardson, Caroline |
1962 |
Bermuda Ballet 1962 Part I |
Ware, Sylvia |
1962 |
Bermuda Ballet 1962 Part I |
Dodge, Mary |
1962 |
Roar Like a Dove |
Swann, Margaret |
1962 |
Roar Like a Dove |
Hallett, Lilian |
1962 |
Another Showcase |
Foggo, Catherine |
1961 |
Not in the Book |
Wright, Pat |
1958 |
Edward, My Son |
Kemsley, Patricia |
1954 |
Candida |
Siggins, Margaret |
0 |
Murder in the Cathedral |