Sweet, Janice

Also known as ..
Williams, Janice

Involvement Year Event
House Manager/Usher 2007 Mystery of Edwin Drood
Lights 2005 Robinson Crusoe
Assistant Stage Manager 2005 Proof
Lights 2004 Sleeping Beauty
Assistant Stage Manager 2004 Someone Who'll Watch Over Me
Properties 2004 Someone Who'll Watch Over Me
Lights 2003 Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Assistant Stage Manager 2003 Legacy Falls
Assistant Stage Manager 2002 Cinderella
Usher 2002 Cinderella
Usher 2002 A Collier's Tuesday Tea
Usher 2002 Present Slaughter
Usher 2002 Last Call For Breakfast
Usher 2002 Trapped
Usher 2002 Picasso at the Lapin Agile
Assistant Stage Manager 2002 Vagina Monologues
Usher 2001 Hay Fever
Assistant Stage Manager 2001 Assassins
Usher 2001 Our Country's Good
Usher 2001 Bazaar & Rummage
Deputy Stage Manager 2000 Aladdin and his wonderful lamp
Usher 2000 Major Star
Usher 2000 Amy and Amiability
Usher 2000 Bells
Lights 2000 Hot Mikado
Set Dressing & Properties 2000 Blithe Spirit
Trainer - House Management 2000 Blithe Spirit
Set Dressing & Properties 2000 Barefoot in the Park
Assistant Stage Manager 2000 Barefoot in the Park
Lights 2000 Mummers, Mysteries and Mayhem
Usher 1999 Red Riding Hood
Lights 1999 Red Riding Hood
Costumes 1999 Red Riding Hood
Properties 1999 Cherry Orchard
Assistant Stage Manager 1999 Oleanna
Set Painting 1999 Oleanna
Properties Head 1999 Oleanna
Properties 1999 Wait until Dark
Usher 1998 Old Mother Hubbard
Lights 1998 Old Mother Hubbard
Wardrobe 1998 Old Mother Hubbard
Lights 1997 Dick Whittington and his Cat
Usher 1996 Mother Goose
Lights 1995 Robin Hood & Babes in the Wood
Usher 1995 Robin Hood & Babes in the Wood
Lights 1995 Chorus of Disapproval
Assistant Stage Manager 1995 Merry Wives of Windsor
Flies 1994 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass
Lights 1994 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass
Usher 1994 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass
Usher 1994 Joan of Arc
Flies 1993 Magic Key
Costumes 1993 Son of Gums Sucks Back Part II The Revenge
Wardrobe 1989 Wizard of Oz
Set Construction 1989 When the Wind Blows
Set Painting 1988 Cinderella