Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Author : Buchanan-Smart, Michael
Venue : City Hall Theatre, Hamilton
04-Dec-2003 - 13-Dec-2003

Snitch was to be played by Stephanie Hill who had appendicitis just prior to opening and had to pull out.


Role Person
Assistant Stage Manager Butterfield, Jeane
Assistant to Choreographer Gauthier, Donna
Box Office Hastings-Smith, Julie
Box Office Hintz, Adrienne
Box Office Madeiros, Andrea
Box Office Redahan, Carol
Box Office Robinson, Sheilagh
Box Office Watts, Steve
Box Office Manager Redahan, Carol
Catering Goodfellow, Delight
Catering Slaughter, Janet
Catering Zubris, Donna
Choreography Powell, JoAnna
City Hall Bar Kippax, Frank
Costume Design Jones, Barbara M.
Costumes Jones, Barbara M.
Crew Andrews, Arlene
Crew Angiers, Shawn
Crew Beasley, Lorraine
Crew Bowness, Deborah
Crew Dust, Michelle
Crew Gardner, John
Crew Gray, Samantha
Crew Hall, Marisa
Crew Harris , Richard
Crew Ingham, Jon
Crew Johnson, Scott
Crew Jones, Barbara M.
Crew Jurgensen, Jan
Crew Lau, Susanne
Crew Lee-Emery, Adrian
Crew Lin, George
Crew Martin, Craig
Crew McAdam, Tommy
Crew Osmond, Jennifer
Crew Pitcher, Sean
Crew Pitman, Bernard
Crew Porteous, Robin
Crew Proctor, Michelle
Crew Robinson, Tucoma
Crew Stones, Aiden
Crew Tavares, Toni
Crew Taylor, Tim
Crew Trott, Ti
Crew Tufts, Douglas
Crew Tufts, Sarah
Crew Wallace, David
Crew Boss Taylor, Tim
Director Shane, Jo
Flies Gardner, John
Flies Pitcher, Sean
Flies Co-Ordinator Birch, Carol
Front of House Bucci, Bill
Hair & Make-up Birch, Carol
Hair & Make-up Cox, Penny
Hair & Make-up Ferreira, Kim
Hair & Make-up Gonsalves, Sonia
Hair & Make-up Hooper, Angie
Hair & Make-up Rego, Corrina
Hair & Make-up Skaling, Natalie
House Manager/Usher Bradarovic, Beatrice
House Manager/Usher Brown, Shirley N.
House Manager/Usher Bucci, Bill
House Manager/Usher Bucci, Janice
House Manager/Usher Chilvers, Heather
House Manager/Usher Dakin, Clive
House Manager/Usher Dobbie, Monica
House Manager/Usher Donahue, Jeanette
House Manager/Usher Fell, Richard
House Manager/Usher Gillespie, Deletta
House Manager/Usher Goodfellow, Delight
House Manager/Usher Lomas, Keren
House Manager/Usher Mello, Jennifer
House Manager/Usher Pyrah, Janet
House Manager/Usher Rushe, Claire
House Manager/Usher Saadia, Jay
House Manager/Usher Sharif, Janet
House Manager/Usher Swain, Anita
House Manager/Usher Swain, Michael
House Manager/Usher Tavares, Irene
House Manager/Usher Toms, Jacqui
House Manager/Usher Tufts, Jennifer
Invited Audience Thompson, Nancy
Lighting Design Lathan, Richie
Lights DeSilva, Heidi
Lights Hallett, Annette
Lights Hallett, Bruce
Lights Lathan, Richie
Lights Lin, George
Lights Williams, Janice
Lights Williams, Viv
Lights Willmott, Hannah
Make-up Head Cox, Penny
Musical Director Burn, James
Photographer Brier, Jim
Photographer Hastings-Smith, Julie
Poster Scott, Amy
Producer Hastings-Smith, Julie
Programme Roberts, Hilary
Programme Compilation Gallant, Steve A.
Programme Compilation Hastings-Smith, Julie
Programme Compilation Roberts, Hilary
Properties Shute, Rebecca
Properties Smatt, Adrienne
Properties Smatt, Alex
Properties Smatt, Vivian
Properties Head Smatt, Vivian
Publicity Hastings-Smith, Kelvin
Publicity Scott, Amy
Santa &/or Mrs Claus Angiers, Shawn
Santa &/or Mrs Claus Brown, Chris
Santa &/or Mrs Claus Chilvers, Heather
Santa &/or Mrs Claus Dale, Betty
Santa &/or Mrs Claus Dale, John
Santa &/or Mrs Claus DaSilveira, Joe
Santa &/or Mrs Claus Durner, Jack
Santa &/or Mrs Claus Durner, Linda
Santa &/or Mrs Claus Foster, Brian
Santa &/or Mrs Claus Hollis, Adria
Santa &/or Mrs Claus Jolliffe, Don
Santa &/or Mrs Claus Nicholls, Barbara
Santa &/or Mrs Claus Nicholls, Trevor
Santa &/or Mrs Claus Redahan, Carol
Santa &/or Mrs Claus Robinson, Sheilagh
Santa Rota Slaughter, Janet
Set Construction Cleveland, Millie
Set Construction DeSilva, Dana
Set Construction Ferreira, Kim
Set Construction Godfrey, Henry
Set Construction Hooper, Mathew
Set Construction Ingham, Jon
Set Construction Jurgensen, Jan
Set Construction Lee, Allan
Set Construction Stones, Aiden
Set Construction Tufts, Douglas
Set Design Kattan, Josie
Set Painting Costa, Paula
Set Painting De Verteuil, Susan
Set Painting Insierra, Marina
Set Painting Kattan, Josie
Set Painting Lawrence, Kennisha
Set Painting Shakir, Andre
Set Painting Tannock, Chelsea
Set Painting Waldron, Kendra
Set Painting Design Kattan, Josie
Sewing Frazier, Clarice
Sewing Kippax, Joanne
Sewing Petty, Greta
Sewing Potts, Margaret
Sound Brier, Jim
Sound DeSilva, Dana
Sound Design Frith, Andrew
Special Effects Jackson, Amanda
Special Effects Head Watts, Steve
Stage Manager Duffy, Janice
Wardrobe Holler, Zena
Wardrobe Kippax, Joanne
Wardrobe Peniston, Jennifer
Wardrobe Wing, Anne
Wardrobe Head Kippax, Joanne