Old Mother Hubbard

Author : Reakes, Paul
Venue : City Hall Theatre, Hamilton
10-Dec-1998 - 19-Dec-1998

Looking at the Proof Readers and one of the Crew I think the programme compilers were having a bit of a laugh.


Role Person
Acknowledgement ?
Acknowledgement Correia, Dennis
Acknowledgement Gallant, Steve
Acknowledgement Hassell, Ronda
Acknowledgement Hatfield, Martin
Acknowledgement Jones, Michael
Acknowledgement Martin, Rolf
Acknowledgement Petty, Sharron
Acknowledgement Pyrah, Janet
Acknowledgement Shirley, Candy
Acknowledgement Shirley, Holly
Acknowledgement Shirley, Susan
Acknowledgement Zelkin, Vic
Artistic Producer Yeomans, Cynthia
Assistant Stage Manager Hintz, Adrienne
Assistant to Choreographer Edmunds, Dee
Assistant to Stage Manager Raat, Deborah
Box Office Davey, Penny
Box Office Davies, Sandra
Box Office Grubesich, Denise
Box Office MacGregor, Evelyn
Box Office Moore, Valerie
Box Office Whalley, Joy
Box Office Manager Bailey, Sue
Business Manager Gardner, John
Business Producer Lee-Emery, Adrian
Cast & Crew Party Swain, Michael
Cast & Crew Party Yates, Anita
Choreography Legere, Jeanne
City Hall Bar Lorhan, John
Costume Design Hatfield, Martin
Costumes Davis, Monica
Costumes Harris, Anna
Costumes Italiano, Piera
Costumes Jennett, Susan
Costumes Johnson, Cathy
Costumes Langille, Bonnie
Costumes Lowry, Veronica
Costumes Petty, Greta
Costumes Pyrah, Janet
Costumes Wissing, Nea
Crew Ashmore, Nick
Crew Blee, Kevin P.
Crew Case, Justin
Crew Copeland, Philip
Crew Correia, Dennis
Crew Draycott, Terry
Crew Duffy, Janice
Crew Duffy, Robert
Crew Evans, Rick
Crew Grimes, Danny
Crew Huntington, Kate
Crew Klesniks, Richard
Crew Leseur, Andrew
Crew Record, Ian
Crew Tavares, Lyn
Crew Taylor, Kit
Crew Taylor, Tim
Crew Theisen, Derek
Crew Troake, Jocelyn
Crew Tufts, Douglas
Crew Vallender, Ian
Crew Ward, Gary
Crew Boss Lee-Emery, Adrian
Deputy Stage Manager Lounsbury, Gary
Director Owen, Jonathon
Executive Producer Grubesich, Denise
Flies ?
Flies Cox, Margot
Flies Edwards, Chris
Flies Ellis, Janet
Flies Matcham, Hilda
Flies Simmonds, Karen
Flies Simpson, Janet C.
Flies Swain, Michael
Flies Taylor, Judy
Flies Veldhuizen, Margaret
Flies Yates, Anita
Flies Co-Ordinator Gardner, John
Flies Co-Ordinator Simmonds, Karen
Front of House Copeland, Philip
Hair & Make-up Beeson, Sophia
Hair & Make-up Beeson, Teresa
Hair & Make-up Birch, Carol
Hair & Make-up Dewhurst, Carolyn
Hair & Make-up Greenfield, Sharron
Hair & Make-up Henderson, Lisa
Hair & Make-up Holshouser, Suzann
Hair & Make-up Orton, Katie-Jane
Hair & Make-up Peaker, Katie
Hair & Make-up Petty, Alison
Hair & Make-up Simons, Claire
Hair & Make-up Yeomans, Cynthia
Hairstyling Birch, Carol
Hairstyling Simons, Claire
House Manager Copeland, Philip
House Manager Ellison, Frank
House Manager Jones, Barbara M.
House Manager Kennedy, Alan
House Manager Lowry, Paul
House Manager Rayner, Eugene
House Manager Smith, Greg
House Manager Stroeder, James
House Manager Swain, Michael
House Manager Webb, Brian
House Manager Woolgar, John
Invited Audience Grubesich, Denise
Lighting Design Waddell, Beverley
Lights Bendell, Sue
Lights Harris, Bill
Lights Huntington, Kate
Lights Johnston, Steve
Lights Keeler, Kathleen
Lights King, Gladys
Lights Lathan, Richie
Lights Powell, Andrea
Lights Ray, Melissa
Lights Williams, Janice
Lights Williams, Viv
Musical Director Burn, James
Musical Director Gallant, Gaynor
Photographer ?
Poster Finch, Carolyn
Poster Finch, John
Programme Compilation Swain, Michael
Programme Compilation Yates, Anita
Prompt Butterfield, Jeane
Prompt Pyrah, Janet
Proof Reading Bedd, Helen
Proof Reading Hedach, Iver
Properties Davey, Penny
Properties Harris, Anna
Properties Kempe, Sheila
Properties McShane, Denise
Properties Roberts, Hilary
Properties Head Brown, Shirley N.
Publicity Instone, John
Set Construction Ashmore, Nick
Set Construction Benn, Malcolm
Set Construction Duffy, Janice
Set Construction Duffy, Robert
Set Construction Eldridge, Dennis
Set Construction Evans, Rick
Set Construction Klesniks, Richard
Set Construction Leseur, Andrew
Set Construction Lounsbury, Gary
Set Construction Troake, Jocelyn
Set Construction Vallender, Ian
Set Construction Watts, Steve
Set Construction Head Blee, Kevin P.
Set Construction Head Lee-Emery, Adrian
Set Design Midgett, Elmer
Set Dressing Edwards, Chris
Set Dressing Hintz, Adrienne
Set Painting Davey, Penny
Set Painting DeSilva, Heidi
Set Painting Griffith, Betsey
Set Painting Harris, Anna
Set Painting Harris, Coral
Set Painting Larzleer, Brian
Set Painting Mills, Jon
Set Painting Pasquin, Michelle
Set Painting Powell, Andrea
Set Painting Raat, Deborah
Set Painting Roberts, Hilary
Set Painting Simmonds, Karen
Set Painting Troake, Jocelyn
Set Painting Head Midgett, Elmer
Sound Andrade, David
Sound Durst, Robin
Sound Grubesich, Denise
Sound Hassell, Colin
Sound Design Whalley, Andrew
Special Effects Finch, Carolyn
Special Effects McIntosh, Philip
Special Effects Slaughter, Janet
Special Effects Head Corlett, Derek
Stage Manager Watts, Steve
Technical Producer Blee, Kevin P.
Usher Aicardi, Cathy
Usher Anderson, Jill
Usher Blakley, Michael
Usher Blakley, Susan
Usher Brown, Peter
Usher Coffey, Helen
Usher Cox, Penny
Usher Davey, Penny
Usher Davies, Penny
Usher Davies, Sandra
Usher DeSilva, Vanessa
Usher Dey, Connie
Usher Draycott, Jacqui
Usher Edridge, Jeanne
Usher Ellison, Vera
Usher Ferguson, Marlene
Usher Harries, Sandy
Usher Harris, Anna
Usher Hastings-Smith, Julie
Usher Hill, Penny
Usher Hill, Sue
Usher Hoffman, Mary Ann
Usher Littleboy, Christine
Usher Locke, Nancy
Usher McNiven, Marion
Usher Mello, Jenny
Usher Misanchuk, Darlene
Usher O'Toole, Elsie
Usher Powell, Andrea
Usher Pyrah, Janet
Usher Roberts, Hilary
Usher Smith, Elaine
Usher Tayler, Hazel
Usher Tribley, Wendy
Usher Vallendar, Rhona
Usher Waddell, Coral
Usher White, Molly
Usher Williams, Janice
Usher Williams, Joan
Usher Woolgar, Dorothy
Usher Yates, Anita
Wardrobe Ashmore, Shona
Wardrobe Ashton, Sue
Wardrobe Bailey, Sue
Wardrobe Bainbridge, Ora
Wardrobe Cook, Shirley
Wardrobe Davey, Penny
Wardrobe Draycott, Mary
Wardrobe Grubesich, Denise
Wardrobe Harris, Anna
Wardrobe Italiano, Piera
Wardrobe Misanchuk, Darlene
Wardrobe Moore, Wendy
Wardrobe Orton, Katie-Jane
Wardrobe Pyrah, Janet
Wardrobe Stafford, Angela
Wardrobe Willcocks, Pamela
Wardrobe Williams, Janice
Wardrobe Wissing, Nea
Wardrobe Wright, Annette
Wardrobe Yeomans, Cynthia
Wardrobe Mistress Ashmore, Shona
Wardrobe Mistress Pyrah, Janet
Wardrobe Mistress Willcocks, Pamela