Dick Whittington and his Cat

Venue : City Hall Theatre, Hamilton
04-Dec-1997 - 13-Dec-1997

Third time Dick Whittington has been chosen as the theme for the Panto.


Role Person
Acknowledgement Correia, Dennis
Acknowledgement Gilfether, Douglas
Acknowledgement Grenfell, David
Additional Material McCulloch, Jane
Additional Music & Lyrics Burn, James
Artistic Producer Tavares, Lyn
Assistant Stage Manager Gentleman, Angela
Assistant to Choreographer Hawkins, Jayne
Assistant to Director Yeomans, Cynthia
Bar Rhodes, Sue
Box Office Bailey, Sue
Box Office MacGregor, Evelyn
Box Office Musson, Karen
Box Office Simmonds, Karen
Box Office Manager MacGregor, Evelyn
Business Producer Hintz, Adrienne
Cast & Crew Party Swain, Michael
Catering Brown, Shirley N.
Catering Stanton, Marjorie
Choreography Hodgson, Sal
Costume Design Lowry, Veronica
Costumes Bailey, Sue
Costumes Birch, Carol
Costumes Davies, Monica
Costumes Hastings-Smith, Julie
Costumes Italiano, Piera
Costumes Jones, Barbara M.
Costumes Lowry, Veronica
Costumes Petty, Greta
Costumes Sousa, Susan
Costumes Ty, Lisa
Costumes Wingate, Elizabeth
Costumes Woods, Alison
Costumes Wright, Annette
Deputy Stage Manager Watts, Steve
Director McCulloch, Jane
Flies ?
Flies Cox, Margot
Flies Dodwell, Bonnie
Flies Gardner, John
Flies Harlow, Wendy
Flies Hintz, Adrienne
Flies Matcham, Hilda
Flies Simmonds, Karen
Flies Simpson, Janet C.
Flies Co-Ordinator Gardner, John
Flies Co-Ordinator Harlow, Wendy
Front of House Callaghan, Madeline
Hair Garrison, Penny
Hair Hawkins, Jayne
Hair Holshouser, Suzann
Hairstyling Petty, Sharron
House Manager Bailey, Barry J.
House Manager Callaghan, Brian
House Manager Copeland, Philip
House Manager Ellison, Frank
House Manager Lorhan, John
House Manager Rayner, Eugene
House Manager Rendell, Grahame
House Manager Rushe, George
House Manager Smith, Greg
Invited Audience Tavares, Lyn
Lighting Design Waddell, Beverley
Lights DeSilva, Heidi
Lights Hallett, Bruce
Lights Johnson, Steven
Lights Klesniks, Richard
Lights Lathan, Richie
Lights Stroeder, James
Lights Waddell, Coral
Lights Waddell, John
Lights Walker, Ian
Lights Williams, Janice
Lights Williams, Viv
Make-up Brackstone, Jenny
Make-up Hill, Stephanie
Make-up Hollis, Adria
Make-up Madeiros, Keith
Make-up Petty, Kerry
Make-up Pryde, Carolyn
Make-up Tufts, Sarah
Make-up Wong, May
Make-up Head Petty, Alison
Musical Director Burn, James
Photographer ?
Poster Curren, Fiona
Programme Compilation Coffey, Helen
Programme Compilation Farmer, Simon
Prompt Ty, Lisa
Proof Reading Callaghan, Brian
Properties Durst, Robin
Properties Hintz, Adrienne
Properties Hutchings, Donna
Properties Head Edwards, Chris
Publicity Callaghan, Brian
Set Construction & Crew Andrade, David
Set Construction & Crew Biddiscombe, Wendy
Set Construction & Crew Bourgeois, Denis
Set Construction & Crew Copeland, Philip
Set Construction & Crew Draycott, Terry
Set Construction & Crew Duffy, Janice
Set Construction & Crew Duffy, Robert
Set Construction & Crew Gardner, John
Set Construction & Crew Kennedy, Alan
Set Construction & Crew Lee-Emery, Adrian
Set Construction & Crew Leseur, Andrew
Set Construction & Crew Lounsbury, Gary
Set Construction & Crew Menzies, Bruce
Set Construction & Crew Petty, David
Set Construction & Crew Record, Ian
Set Construction & Crew Swain, Michael
Set Construction & Crew Tufts, Adam
Set Construction & Crew Tufts, Douglas
Set Construction & Crew Vallender, Ian
Set Construction & Crew Ward, Gary
Set Construction Head Duffy, Robert
Set Design Midgett, Elmer
Set Painting Abraham-Moreton, Christopher
Set Painting Abraham-Moreton, Iris
Set Painting Bridgland, Sarah
Set Painting Caldwell, Melissa
Set Painting Farmer, Simon
Set Painting Fell, Richard
Set Painting Fowle, Linda
Set Painting Griffiths, Betsi
Set Painting Langille, Bonnie
Set Painting MacKenzie, Debbie
Set Painting Moffett, Jennifer
Set Painting O'Reilly, Brendan
Set Painting Pitt, Susan
Set Painting Powell, Harry
Set Painting Powell, Marlie
Set Painting Simmonds, Karen
Set Painting Smith, Margaret
Set Painting Smith, Tudor
Set Painting Ty, Lisa
Set Painting Head Midgett, Elmer
Set Painting Head Pasquin, Michelle
Sound Abraham, Vicki
Sound Andrade, David
Sound Biddiscombe, Wendy
Sound Gallant, Steve
Sound Grubesich, Denise
Sound Hassell, Colin
Sound Johnson, Steven
Sound Matthews, Paul
Sound McIntosh, Philip
Sound Whalley, Andrew
Sound Design Blee, Kevin P.
Special Effects Harte-Lovelace, Judy
Special Effects Head Corlett, Derek
Stage Manager Duffy, Janice
Technical Producer Lee-Emery, Adrian
Usher Abraham-Moreton, Iris
Usher Anderson, Jill
Usher Bailey, Sue
Usher Barton, Rene
Usher Callaghan, Madeline
Usher Coffey, Helen
Usher Dobbie, Monica
Usher Durrant, Elizabeth
Usher Edridge, Jeanne
Usher Ellison, Vera
Usher Ferguson, Marlene
Usher Garland, Sue
Usher Holmes, Linda
Usher Hooper, Angie
Usher Jewell, Cindy
Usher Littleboy, Christine
Usher MacGregor, Evelyn
Usher Melotti, Anna
Usher Miller, Margaret
Usher Musson, Karen
Usher Olivey, Freda D.
Usher O'Toole, Elsie
Usher Rushe, Claire
Usher Simons, Rosalind
Usher Smith, Elaine
Usher Walker, Kay
Usher White, Molly
Usher Woolgar, Dorothy
Wardrobe Davies, Monica
Wardrobe Draycott, Mary
Wardrobe Italiano, Piera
Wardrobe Lima, Angela
Wardrobe Lowry, Veronica
Wardrobe Mello, Debbie
Wardrobe Sleafer, Leigh
Wardrobe Smith, Margaret
Wardrobe Stanton, Marjorie
Wardrobe Taylor, Katie
Wardrobe Wright, Annette
Wardrobe Mistress Italiano, Piera