City Hall Theatre, Hamilton

Event Start Date
Absurd Person Singular 30-Apr-1979
Aladdin 03-Dec-1971
Aladdin 06-Dec-1990
Aladdin and his wonderful lamp 07-Dec-2000
Ali Baba and the 14 Thieves 07-Dec-2006
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass 08-Dec-1994
Alsop-Bernstein Trio 01-Oct-1971
Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe 05-Dec-1985
Andrew Wolf 23-Oct-1970
Annapolis Brass Quintet 13-Apr-1976
Antony Peebles 25-May-1974
B.M.D.S. Choir 01-Jun-1966
B.M.D.S. Chorus 23-Jun-1962
Babes in the Wood 05-Dec-1969
Bach Aria Group 07-Oct-1967
Bermuda Ballet 1962 - Bermuda Ballet 1962 Part I 11-Sep-1962
Bermuda Ballet 1962 - Bermuda Ballet 1962 Part II 18-Sep-1962
Bermuda Festival - Importance of Being Earnest 19-Feb-1990
Bermuda Festival - King Richard III 23-Feb-1994
Bermuda Festival - Moon for the Misbegotten 01-Feb-1988
Bermuda Festival - Tempest 22-Feb-1984
Bermuda Festival - Wait until Dark 01-Feb-1999
Bonita Glenn 06-May-1976
Brian D. Barnes - Incredible Samuel Pepys 25-Aug-1973
Brian D. Barnes - Under Milkwood 11-Jun-1968
Calendar Girls 11-Apr-2013
Carlos Barboza-Lima 06-Mar-1972
Christiane Edinger 07-Feb-1969
Christmas Carol 04-Dec-1980
Christmas Concert 07-Dec-1966
Cinderella 04-Dec-1970
Cinderella 08-Dec-1988
Cinderella 08-Dec-1977
Cinderella 05-Dec-2002
Claude Frank and Lilian Kallir 11-Apr-1974
Clive Lythgoe 20-Nov-1978
Come Blow Your Horn 25-Nov-1963
Concert 10-Mar-1962
Curtis String Quartet 16-May-1961
Curtis String Quartet 13-May-1968
Curtis String Quartet 03-May-1971
David Bar-Illan 02-Nov-1965
Daylesford Sinfonia 10-May-1998
Daylesford Sinfonia - American Concert 07-May-1999
Daylesford Sinfonia - Millennium Concert 28-Apr-2000
Devils 19-Mar-1973
Dick Whittington and his Cat 06-Dec-1968
Dick Whittington and his Cat 04-Dec-1997
Dick Whittington and his Cat 03-Dec-1987
Edinburgh String Quartet 01-May-1972
Elaine Weldon 03-Mar-1964
Eleanor Gorin 21-Oct-1964
Elwin Adams 28-Feb-1975
Emily Frankel 06-Mar-1973
English Chorale 02-Nov-1974
English Sinfonia 06-Oct-1973
Firebird 09-Dec-2010
Flavio Varani 15-Feb-1974
Follow the Star 04-Dec-1986
Franz Liszt Orchestra of Budapest 15-Apr-1975
Geoffrey Tankard 25-Sep-1962
Geoffrey Tankard & Andrea Hodson 20-Jun-1977
Gin Game 01-Mar-1983
Gina Bachauer 04-May-1966
Godspell 09-Jun-1975
Goldilocks and the Three Bears 04-Dec-2003
Grant Johannesen 06-Jan-1973
Grant Johannesen and Zara Nelsova 29-Mar-1969
Hamlet 23-Mar-1972
Hartford Festival Orchestra 22-Nov-1967
Hartt Woodwind Quintet 07-Oct-1966
Heinz Rehfuss 16-Mar-1965
Hot Mikado 11-May-2000
Hotel Paradiso 29-Mar-1966
How the Other Half Loves 21-Jun-1971
Hyman Bress 16-Feb-1963
Intimate Opera 09-Oct-1962
Jack and the Beanstalk 05-Dec-1991
Jack and the Beanstalk 08-Dec-1967
Jack and the Beanstalk 05-Dec-2007
Jaime Laredo 06-Apr-1965
Jean Madeira & Francis Madeira 26-May-1964
Jesus Christ Superstar 28-May-1980
Jorge Bolet 04-Feb-1964
Jorge Bolet 30-Jan-1965
Kenneth Amada & Susan Starr 14-Apr-1964
Killing of Sister George 01-Oct-1968
Kiss Me Kate 07-Jun-1973
Kun Woo Paik 11-Jan-1974
Ladies in Retirement 08-Jun-1970
Laurence Dill 30-Sep-1969
Lentis 29-May-1973
Les Ballets Jazz de Montreal 13-Jul-1982
Les Marionettes de Montreal 11-Jan-1964
Les Marionettes de Montreal 05-Jan-1966
Little Matchgirl 09-Dec-1976
Magic Key 09-Dec-1993
Malcolm Frager 28-Mar-1967
Man Who Came To Dinner 01-Jan-1963
Marcus Thompson, Michael Webster and Linda Hall 14-Apr-1973
Maria Stader and Franz Rupp 22-Apr-1969
Marlene Kleinman & John West 27-Nov-1962
Martha Flowers and Warren Wilson 12-Nov-1969
Memory of Stella Halsall - B.M.D.S. Chorus 06-Mar-1971
Memory of Stella Halsall - Mankind 06-Mar-1971
Metropolitan Opera Studio Ensemble 20-Jan-1968
Metropolitan Opera Studio Ensemble - Barber of Seville 29-Oct-1968
Michael Newman 17-Oct-1975
Mother Goose 05-Dec-1996
Moura Lympany 09-Apr-1968
My Fair Lady 26-Oct-1978
Nel Oosthout 23-Sep-1965
Nikita Magaloff 24-Feb-1962
Not Now Darling 12-Jun-1972
Old Mother Hubbard 10-Dec-1998
Oliver 10-Dec-1981
One-Act Play Festival - Room 08-Jun-1967
One-Act Play Festival - Table by the Window 09-Jun-1967
Owl and the Pussycat went to see.... 07-Dec-1978
Pinocchio 05-Dec-1974
Pippin 18-Oct-1984
Private Ear and Public Eye - Private Ear 19-Jul-1965
Private Ear and Public Eye - Public Eye 19-Jul-1965
Puss in Boots 30-Nov-1972
Ralph Holmes and Charles Wadsworth 27-Feb-1960
Red Riding Hood 02-Dec-1999
Relapse 29-Mar-1971
Richard & Elizabeth Lewis 06-Feb-1971
Richard Lewis 04-Jun-1963
Richard Lewis 16-Apr-1966
Right Honourable Gentleman 21-Mar-1977
Roar Like a Dove 04-Jun-1962
Roar of the Greasepaint - Smell of the Crowd 29-Apr-1983
Robin Hood 03-Dec-2009
Robin Hood & Babes in the Wood 07-Dec-1995
Robinson Crusoe 08-Dec-2005
Rohan De Saram 25-Nov-1964
Romanoff and Juliet 10-Jun-1974
Royal Ballet 21-Jul-1964
Sabrina Fair 01-Apr-1963
Salad Days 22-Mar-1976
Scrooge, the Musical 06-Dec-2001
Sharon MacIntyre and Jon Donald 26-Jul-1974
Shura Cherkassky 30-Oct-1962
Sinbad the Sailor 10-Dec-1992
Sinbad the Sailor 12-Dec-1966
Sing a Song of Sixpence 06-Dec-1979
Sleeping Beauty 09-Dec-2004
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 04-Dec-1975
Snow White and the Seven Sisters 04-Dec-2008
Sounds of Music 03-May-1980
Streetcar Named Desire 21-Oct-1966
Summer Concert 31-May-1972
Summer Concert 09-Jun-1971
Summer Concert 10-Jun-1978
Summer Concert 02-Jun-1979
Susana y Jose 18-Apr-1963
Teiko Maehashi 06-Nov-1971
Ten Little Indians 07-May-1982
Terence Rattigan and Harold French Evening - Best of Rattigan 13-May-1978
Terrence Rattigan and Harold French Evening - Browning Version 13-May-1978
Theodore Lettvin 29-Jan-1972
Theodore Lettvin 07-Jan-1969
Theodore Lettvin 18-Nov-1977
Tiger at the Gates 17-Mar-1975
Toad of Toad Hall 01-Dec-1983
Tokyo String Quartet 04-Oct-1974
Twelfth Night 04-May-1964
VDay 2002 - Vagina Monologues 06-Mar-2002
Wait until Dark 14-Jun-1976
White Liars & Black Comedy - Black Comedy 10-Jun-1977
White Liars & Black Comedy - White Liars 10-Jun-1977
Winslow Boy 24-Feb-1965
Winslow Boy 03-Oct-1977
Wizard of Oz 07-Dec-1973
Wizard of Oz 07-Dec-1989