Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

Author : Fitzpatrick, Val
Venue : City Hall Theatre, Hamilton
05-Dec-1985 - 14-Dec-1985


Character Person
Animal Davies, Tony
Animal DeCouto, Kathi
Animal Dickinson, Kerri
Animal Freestone, Jeanette
Animal Gelot, Marie-France
Animal Holden, Judy
Animal Instone, Pamela
Animal Johnston, Liz
Animal Knap, Penny
Animal McRonald, Tammy
Animal Steele, John
Animal Tetlow, Anna
Animal Williams, Randi
Animal Wright, Jane
Animal Young, Jayne
Bass Burgess, 'Tiny'
Blackbeard Kermode, Nigel
Chorus Birch, Carol
Chorus Birch, Ian
Chorus Cox, Penny
Chorus Dickinson, Kerri
Chorus Dunch, Tish
Chorus Foster, Brian
Chorus Freestone, Jeanette
Chorus Horsefield, Drew
Chorus Instone, Pamela
Chorus Johnston, Liz
Chorus Jolliffe, Don
Chorus Knap, Penny
Chorus McRonald, Tammy
Chorus Power, Annette
Chorus Repiquet, Evelyne
Chorus Smith, William
Chorus Steele, John
Chorus Thomas, Mark
Chorus Williams, Randi
Chorus Wright, Jane
Chorus Young, Jayne
Dancer Astwood, Yvonne
Dancer Augustus, Rosanne
Dancer Bray, Alysson
Dancer Estravit, Kiona
Dancer Ingham, Jennifer
Dancer Judd, Kerry
Dancer Mello, Keil
Dancer Mitchell, Andrea
Dancer Morgan, Antonia
Dancer Phillips, Jennifer
Dancer Pimental, Elizabeth
Dancer Richardson, Devon
Dancer Swan, Danee
Dancer Van Der Weg, Rachel
Dancer Williams, Suzanne
Dancer Young, Natalie
Friday Elliott, Hayward
Gotcha Dempster, Fiona
Mandy Brammer, Gesa
Martha Shufflewick Durrant, Libby
Mincemeat Morgan, Ken
Nellie Lough, John
Neptune Kaplen, Mark
Percussion Profit, Peter
Piano Smith, Raymond
Purcell Holden, Terry
Robinson Crusoe Pires, Robert
Sadie Dey, Connie
Sea Captain Jolliffe, Don
Sealana Sawley, Debbie
Trumpet Van Wie, Lyle
Warrior Chief Thomas, Mark
Witchdoctor Smith, William
Woodwind Frith, Douglas


Role Person
Acknowledgement Ray, Tom
Acknowledgement Tetlow, Diana
Assistant Stage Manager Cartwright, Paul
Assistant Stage Manager MacKenzie, Debbie
Assistant to Director Hillier, Zuleika
Assistant to Producer Davies, Jan
Box Office Manager Rendell, Carol
Business Manager Quinn, Jarlath
Choreography Frith, Barbara
Costume Co-ordinator Lyons, Lynn
Costume Design Hallett, Annette
Costumes Frost, Michelle
Deputy Stage Manager Webb, Brian
Director Fitzpatrick, Val
Front of House Lough, Hazel
Front of House Olivey, Freda D.
Hairstyling Birch, Carol
Hairstyling Hackling, Yvonne
Lighting Design Dawson, Mike
Lights Dawson, Mike
Make-up Head Patterson, Helle
Musical Director Smith, Raymond
Photographer Tatem, Charles
Poster Midgett, Elmer
Producer Power, Sue
Production Assistant Anderson, Christina
Production Assistant Bailey, Barry J.
Production Assistant Baker, Kathryn
Production Assistant Bancroft, Richard
Production Assistant Baptiste, Jacinta
Production Assistant Baptiste, Vaughan
Production Assistant Barber, Mary
Production Assistant Barit, Pamela
Production Assistant Birch, Paul
Production Assistant Blatch, Derek
Production Assistant Brindeau, Michelle
Production Assistant Burville, John
Production Assistant Butz, Steel
Production Assistant Callaghan, Brian
Production Assistant Callaghan, Madeline
Production Assistant Cartwright, Paul
Production Assistant Cavill, Tony
Production Assistant Clark, Dot
Production Assistant Comber, Pat
Production Assistant Cooke, Jenny
Production Assistant Cooper, Sara
Production Assistant Cornes, Jim
Production Assistant Cox, Janet
Production Assistant Cox, Margot
Production Assistant Davies, Tony
Production Assistant Dean, Jane
Production Assistant Dickson, Janice
Production Assistant Draycott, Terry
Production Assistant Duffy, Robert
Production Assistant Elliott, Susan
Production Assistant Fioca, Jane
Production Assistant Fowkes, Penny
Production Assistant Fraser, Gaye
Production Assistant Gibbons, Annette
Production Assistant Gibson, Jean
Production Assistant Gillespie, Bernadette
Production Assistant Gray, Robin
Production Assistant Hadden, Sidney
Production Assistant Harpster, Brian
Production Assistant Harpster, Holly
Production Assistant Holden, Judy
Production Assistant Holt, Beverley
Production Assistant Jenkinson, Linda
Production Assistant Jenkinson, Philip
Production Assistant King, Donna
Production Assistant Lake, Steve
Production Assistant Lima, Angela
Production Assistant Lines, Chris
Production Assistant Lobb, Graham
Production Assistant Lovell, Marguerite
Production Assistant Lyons, Tony
Production Assistant MacKenzie, Debbie
Production Assistant McArthur, Betty
Production Assistant McMillan, Robin
Production Assistant Mello, Jennifer
Production Assistant Mello, Michael
Production Assistant Miller, Margaret
Production Assistant Nelms, Kathy
Production Assistant Newmarch, Anne
Production Assistant O'Kelly, Emer
Production Assistant Orman, Daphne
Production Assistant Penwarden, Jenny
Production Assistant Percy, Janet
Production Assistant Perry, Carol
Production Assistant Perry, David
Production Assistant Perry, Linda
Production Assistant Prior, Mark
Production Assistant Rhilinger, Lois
Production Assistant Sears, Sally-Ann
Production Assistant Shea, Sue
Production Assistant Simmons, Eleanor
Production Assistant Simpson, Janet C.
Production Assistant Smith, Jacqui
Production Assistant Smith, Joe
Production Assistant Spershott, Jennifer
Production Assistant Spershott, Susan
Production Assistant Stanton, Marjorie
Production Assistant Steward, Liz
Production Assistant Tyler, Brenda
Production Assistant Vaucrosson-Neilsen, Norma
Production Assistant Waddell, Beverley
Production Assistant Waddell, Monica
Production Assistant Watkinson, Elaine
Production Assistant Webb, Brian
Production Assistant Weir, Jamie
Production Assistant Wilke, Judith
Production Assistant Woolf, Rachel
Production Assistant Zylstra, Karen
Programme Compilation Kyme, Loretta
Prompt Edridge, Jeanne
Properties Head Brown, Shirley N.
Publicity MacGregor, Evelyn
Rehearsal Musician Bailey, Kay
Rehearsal Musician Brown, Mary
Rehearsal Musician Yates, Jess
Set Construction Head Lee-Emery, Adrian
Set Design Mills, Jon
Sound Head Mullaly, Mark
Special Effects Birch, Ian
Special Effects Waddell, Leslie
Stage Manager Jones, Barbara M.
Wardrobe Mistress Randolph, Betty