Howell, Janice

Also known as ..
Stroeder, Janice, Duffy, Janice

Involvement Year Event
Set Painting 2019 Killing Carlisle
Set Dressing & Properties 2016 Deep End
Set Dressing & Properties 2016 Fool's Mate
Set Dressing & Properties 2016 Home Visits
Set Dressing & Properties 2016 Pecking Order
Set Dressing & Properties 2016 Thank You For Riding
Set Dressing & Properties 2016 Underlying Truth
Set Painting 2015 Pied Piper
Technical Producer 2015 Pied Piper
Stage Manager 2015 Pied Piper
Rat Pack 2015 Pied Piper
Chief Rodent 2015 Pied Piper
Set Painting 2014 Manuscript
Properties 2014 Manuscript
Set Construction 2014 Manuscript
Stage Manager 2014 From Russia With ...
Stage Manager 2014 Idiotic Gay Musical
Stage Manager 2014 It'll Be Alright On The Night
Stage Manager 2014 Jitters
Stage Manager 2014 Pegged
Stage Manager 2014 Precious Things
Set Painting 2014 Skin Flick
Stage Manager 2014 Skin Flick
Technical Producer 2013 Sleeping Beauty
Set Painting 2013 Sleeping Beauty
Set Construction 2013 Sleeping Beauty
Stage Manager 2013 Sleeping Beauty
Set Dressing & Properties 2013 50 Shades of Beige
Set Dressing & Properties 2013 Banana
Set Dressing & Properties 2013 It's Not The End of the World, Hannah
Set Dressing & Properties 2013 NACAD
Set Dressing & Properties 2013 Pecan Pie
Set Dressing & Properties 2013 We Wish You The Best In Your Future Endeavours
Calendar 2013 Calendar Girls
Director 2013 Calendar Girls
Set Painting 2013 Calendar Girls
Set Painting 2012 Aladdin
Technical Producer 2012 Aladdin
Set Construction 2012 Aladdin
Stage Manager 2012 Aladdin
Stage Manager 2012 Macbeth
Rehearsal Prompt 2012 Shirley Valentine
Assistant Stage Manager 2012 Shirley Valentine
Set Construction 2012 Arcadia
Technical Producer 2012 Arcadia
Set Painting 2012 Arcadia
Stage Manager 2012 Bitter Butter
Stage Manager 2012 Genius
Stage Manager 2012 Intervention
Stage Manager 2012 Rippled
Stage Manager 2012 Sacred Cows
Stage Manager 2012 Sound and the Fury
Stage Manager 2012 On A First Name Basis
Raffle Promoters 2011 Cinderella
Technical Producer 2011 Cinderella
Set Painting 2011 Cinderella
Stage Manager 2011 Cinderella
Set Design 2011 A Little Murder Never Hurt Anybody
Director 2011 A Little Murder Never Hurt Anybody
Set Painting 2011 Fawlty Towers
Crew 2011 Fawlty Towers
Wallpapering 2011 Fawlty Towers
Set Construction 2011 Fawlty Towers
Stage Manager 2010 Firebird
Set Construction 2010 Firebird
Raffle Promoters 2010 Firebird
Set Painting 2010 Firebird
Technical Producer 2010 Firebird
Mentor 2010 Fahrenheit 451
Stage Manager 2010 Fahrenheit 451
Set Dressing 2010 Dad's Army
Stage Manager 2010 Dad's Army
Set Painting 2009 Robin Hood
Technical Producer 2009 Robin Hood
Raffle Promoters 2009 Robin Hood
Stage Manager 2009 Robin Hood
Director 2009 Shaming of the True
Producer 2009 Missing Celia Rose
Set Painting 2009 Missing Celia Rose
Stage Manager 2009 Missing Celia Rose
Stage Manager 2009 Railway Children
Set Painting 2008 Snow White and the Seven Sisters
Technical Producer 2008 Snow White and the Seven Sisters
Stage Manager 2008 Snow White and the Seven Sisters
Bartender 2008 All In The Same Boat
Bartender 2008 Alphabet Soup
Bartender 2008 Donor
Bartender 2008 Fourteen Blueberries
Bartender 2008 Going Somewhere
Bartender 2008 Inter-Mortem
Cork Soaker 2008 Gums Unplugged
Crew 2007 Sordid Lives
Set Painting 2006 Ali Baba and the 14 Thieves
Technical Producer 2006 Ali Baba and the 14 Thieves
Stage Manager 2006 Ali Baba and the 14 Thieves
Mentor 2006 Popcorn
Mentor 2006 Cemetery Club
Acknowledgement 2006 Cemetery Club
Bartender 2006 Boston Marriage
Stage Manager 2006 Beauty Queen of Leenane
Set Painting 2006 Beauty Queen of Leenane
Stage Manager 2006 Pandora's Drawers
Stage Manager 2006 Listers
Stage Manager 2006 He Did It Again
Stage Manager 2006 Start
Stage Manager 2006 Art Lesson
Stage Manager 2006 Hey Sister
Stage Manager 2005 Robinson Crusoe
Set Painting 2005 Robinson Crusoe
Stage Manager 2005 GUMS - 6 Million Dollar Baby
Set Painting 2005 Proof
Set 2004 Sleeping Beauty
Stage Manager 2004 Sleeping Beauty
Stage Manager 2004 Lend Me A Tenor
Set Construction 2004 At The End Of His Rope
Stage Manager 2004 At The End Of His Rope
Set Construction 2004 But Is It Art?
Stage Manager 2004 But Is It Art?
Stage Manager 2004 Final Rehearsal
Set Construction 2004 Final Rehearsal
Stage Manager 2004 Storm In A Teacup
Set Construction 2004 Storm In A Teacup
Stage Manager 2004 Tabula Rasa
Set Construction 2004 Tabula Rasa
Set Construction 2004 Terrible Terrence
Stage Manager 2004 Terrible Terrence
Stage Manager 2003 Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Acknowledgement 2003 Legacy Falls
Crew Boss 2003 Legacy Falls
Front of House 2002 Vagina Monologues
Stage Manager 2001 Scrooge, the Musical
Crew 2000 Hot Mikado
Stage Manager 1999 Red Riding Hood
Usher 1999 Blood Donor
Usher 1999 Hancock in Hospital
Usher 1999 Last Bus Home
Crew 1999 Dead White Males
Sound 1999 Wait until Dark
Producer 1999 Wait until Dark
Crew 1998 Old Mother Hubbard
Set Construction 1998 Old Mother Hubbard
Set Construction & Crew 1997 Dick Whittington and his Cat
Stage Manager 1997 Dick Whittington and his Cat
Artistic Producer 1996 Mother Goose
Deputy Stage Manager 1996 Mother Goose
Set Construction 1996 Arsenic & Old Lace
Set Construction 1996 Lettice and Lovage
Crew 1996 Noises Off
Acknowledgement 1996 Pack of Lies
Helen 1996 Pack of Lies
Acknowledgement 1996 Close of Play
Acknowledgement 1996 One for the Road
Acknowledgement 1996 Murder Play
Acknowledgement 1996 Opening Night
Set Construction & Crew 1995 Robin Hood & Babes in the Wood
Stage Manager 1995 Chorus of Disapproval
Stage Manager 1995 Steel Magnolias
Stylist Producer 1994 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass
Assistant Stage Manager 1994 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass
Set Construction & Crew 1994 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass
Costumes 1994 Joan of Arc
Producer 1994 King Richard III
Make-up 1993 Broadway Masters
Acknowledgement 1992 Shirley Valentine
Set Construction & Crew 1992 Shirley Valentine
Stage Manager 1992 Little Foxes
Lights 1992 Little Foxes
Acknowledgement 1991 Jack and the Beanstalk
Deputy Stage Manager 1991 Jack and the Beanstalk
Set Construction 1991 Jack and the Beanstalk
Set Painting 1991 Jack and the Beanstalk
Set Painting 1991 Actor's Nightmare
Producer 1991 Actor's Nightmare
Set Painting 1991 All For Your Delight
Producer 1991 All For Your Delight
Set Painting 1991 Blues
Producer 1991 Blues
Producer 1991 Marriage Proposal
Set Painting 1991 Marriage Proposal
Producer 1991 Typists
Set Painting 1991 Typists
Assistant Stage Manager 1991 Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
Set Construction 1991 Staircase
Playreading Coordinator 1991 School for Scandal
Trainer - Producer 1991 School for Scandal
Playreading Coordinator 1991 Glass Menagerie
Trainer - Producer 1991 Glass Menagerie
Stage Manager 1991 Glass Menagerie
Trainer - Producer 1991 Major Barbara
Playreading Coordinator 1991 Major Barbara
Set Construction 1990 Aladdin
Set Construction 1990 Da
Set Construction 1990 Streetcar Named Desire
Producer 1990 Dead Lines
Producer 1990 Good Friday
Producer 1990 Overtones
Producer 1990 See The Pretty Lights
Producer 1990 Trysting Place
Lights 1990 Midsummers Night Dream
Producer 1990 Midsummers Night Dream
Cast 1990 Dining Room
Chorus 1989 Wizard of Oz