Person |
Year |
Event |
Blee, Kevin |
2024 |
The Sandwich |
Blee, Kevin |
2024 |
More than Lovers, Less than Friends |
Blee, Kevin |
2024 |
Inheritance |
Blee, Kevin |
2024 |
The Murder of Johann Schmidt |
Blee, Kevin |
2024 |
The Script |
Blee, Kevin |
2024 |
Jim and Helena Start a Cult |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2024 |
The Script |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2024 |
Jim and Helena Start a Cult |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2024 |
The Murder of Johann Schmidt |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2024 |
Inheritance |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2024 |
More than Lovers, Less than Friends |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2024 |
The Sandwich |
Morley, Wayne |
2024 |
The Sandwich |
Morley, Wayne |
2024 |
More than Lovers, Less than Friends |
Morley, Wayne |
2024 |
Inheritance |
Morley, Wayne |
2024 |
The Murder of Johann Schmidt |
Morley, Wayne |
2024 |
Jim and Helena Start a Cult |
Morley, Wayne |
2024 |
The Script |
Campbell, Jenn |
2023 |
The Game of Tens |
Campbell, Jenn |
2023 |
Guarded |
Campbell, Jenn |
2023 |
This Could Be You! |
Campbell, Jenn |
2023 |
Red Solo Cup |
Campbell, Jenn |
2023 |
Roly-Poly Punch |
Campbell, Jenn |
2023 |
Mother Knows Best? |
Lathan, Richie |
2023 |
Mother Knows Best? |
Lathan, Richie |
2023 |
Roly-Poly Punch |
Lathan, Richie |
2023 |
Red Solo Cup |
Lathan, Richie |
2023 |
This Could Be You! |
Lathan, Richie |
2023 |
Guarded |
Lathan, Richie |
2023 |
The Game of Tens |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2023 |
The Game of Tens |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2023 |
Guarded |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2023 |
This Could Be You! |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2023 |
Red Solo Cup |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2023 |
Roly-Poly Punch |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2023 |
Mother Knows Best? |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2023 |
Mother Knows Best? |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2023 |
Red Solo Cup |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2023 |
Roly-Poly Punch |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2023 |
This Could Be You! |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2023 |
Guarded |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2023 |
The Game of Tens |
Mackenzie-Sivewright, Jeremy |
2023 |
The Game of Tens |
Mackenzie-Sivewright, Jeremy |
2023 |
This Could Be You! |
Mackenzie-Sivewright, Jeremy |
2023 |
Guarded |
Mackenzie-Sivewright, Jeremy |
2023 |
Roly-Poly Punch |
Mackenzie-Sivewright, Jeremy |
2023 |
Red Solo Cup |
Mackenzie-Sivewright, Jeremy |
2023 |
Mother Knows Best? |
Maule, Lisa |
2023 |
Mother Knows Best? |
Maule, Lisa |
2023 |
Red Solo Cup |
Maule, Lisa |
2023 |
Roly-Poly Punch |
Maule, Lisa |
2023 |
Guarded |
Maule, Lisa |
2023 |
This Could Be You! |
Maule, Lisa |
2023 |
The Game of Tens |
Morley, Wayne |
2023 |
The Game of Tens |
Morley, Wayne |
2023 |
This Could Be You! |
Morley, Wayne |
2023 |
Guarded |
Morley, Wayne |
2023 |
Roly-Poly Punch |
Morley, Wayne |
2023 |
Red Solo Cup |
Morley, Wayne |
2023 |
Mother Knows Best? |
Zimmerer, Rudi |
2023 |
Mother Knows Best? |
Zimmerer, Rudi |
2023 |
Red Solo Cup |
Zimmerer, Rudi |
2023 |
Roly-Poly Punch |
Zimmerer, Rudi |
2023 |
Guarded |
Zimmerer, Rudi |
2023 |
This Could Be You! |
Zimmerer, Rudi |
2023 |
The Game of Tens |
Blee, Kevin |
2018 |
Tucker and Tucker |
Blee, Kevin |
2018 |
No Name |
Blee, Kevin |
2018 |
The Dog |
Blee, Kevin |
2018 |
Playing By The Rules |
Blee, Kevin |
2018 |
If Someday A Painter |
Blee, Kevin |
2018 |
hEAR4U |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2018 |
hEAR4U |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2018 |
If Someday A Painter |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2018 |
Playing By The Rules |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2018 |
The Dog |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2018 |
No Name |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2018 |
Tucker and Tucker |
Pires, Rhonda |
2018 |
Tucker and Tucker |
Pires, Rhonda |
2018 |
No Name |
Pires, Rhonda |
2018 |
The Dog |
Pires, Rhonda |
2018 |
Playing By The Rules |
Pires, Rhonda |
2018 |
If Someday A Painter |
Pires, Rhonda |
2018 |
hEAR4U |
Wright, Paul |
2018 |
hEAR4U |
Wright, Paul |
2018 |
If Someday A Painter |
Wright, Paul |
2018 |
Playing By The Rules |
Wright, Paul |
2018 |
The Dog |
Wright, Paul |
2018 |
No Name |
Wright, Paul |
2018 |
Tucker and Tucker |
Blee, Kevin |
2017 |
Intermission in Bermuda |
Blee, Kevin |
2017 |
All Good Things... |
Blee, Kevin |
2017 |
Parabola |
Blee, Kevin |
2017 |
Oranges and Lemons |
Blee, Kevin |
2017 |
Bycatch |
Blee, Kevin |
2017 |
S-D.I.R. - Like Biblical Esther |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2017 |
S-D.I.R. - Like Biblical Esther |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2017 |
Bycatch |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2017 |
Oranges and Lemons |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2017 |
Parabola |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2017 |
All Good Things... |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2017 |
Intermission in Bermuda |
McIntosh, Philip |
2017 |
Intermission in Bermuda |
McIntosh, Philip |
2017 |
All Good Things... |
McIntosh, Philip |
2017 |
Parabola |
McIntosh, Philip |
2017 |
Oranges and Lemons |
McIntosh, Philip |
2017 |
S-D.I.R. - Like Biblical Esther |
McIntosh, Philip |
2017 |
Bycatch |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2016 |
Home Visits |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2016 |
Thank You For Riding |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2016 |
Deep End |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2016 |
Fool's Mate |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2016 |
Underlying Truth |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2016 |
Pecking Order |
Gardner, John |
2016 |
Pecking Order |
Gardner, John |
2016 |
Underlying Truth |
Gardner, John |
2016 |
Fool's Mate |
Gardner, John |
2016 |
Deep End |
Gardner, John |
2016 |
Thank You For Riding |
Gardner, John |
2016 |
Home Visits |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2016 |
Home Visits |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2016 |
Thank You For Riding |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2016 |
Deep End |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2016 |
Fool's Mate |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2016 |
Underlying Truth |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2016 |
Pecking Order |
McIntosh, Philip |
2016 |
Pecking Order |
McIntosh, Philip |
2016 |
Underlying Truth |
McIntosh, Philip |
2016 |
Fool's Mate |
McIntosh, Philip |
2016 |
Deep End |
McIntosh, Philip |
2016 |
Thank You For Riding |
McIntosh, Philip |
2016 |
Home Visits |
Biffin, Martin |
2015 |
Tell Me, Please |
Biffin, Martin |
2015 |
Nemeses |
Biffin, Martin |
2015 |
Cold Feet |
Biffin, Martin |
2015 |
Sushi |
Biffin, Martin |
2015 |
Graveyard Club |
Biffin, Martin |
2015 |
101 Ways to Kill Janice |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2015 |
101 Ways to Kill Janice |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2015 |
Graveyard Club |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2015 |
Sushi |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2015 |
Cold Feet |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2015 |
Nemeses |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2015 |
Tell Me, Please |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2015 |
Tell Me, Please |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2015 |
Nemeses |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2015 |
Sushi |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2015 |
Cold Feet |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2015 |
Graveyard Club |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2015 |
101 Ways to Kill Janice |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2015 |
101 Ways to Kill Janice |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2015 |
Sushi |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2015 |
Cold Feet |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2015 |
Graveyard Club |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2015 |
Nemeses |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2015 |
Tell Me, Please |
Biffin, Martin |
2015 |
7 Stories |
Flood, Nicola |
2015 |
7 Stories |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2015 |
7 Stories |
Wright, Paul |
2015 |
7 Stories |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2014 |
Cobb's Hill |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2014 |
Unfiltered |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2014 |
Just Deserts |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2014 |
No Heming Way! |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2014 |
Too Many Elephants |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2014 |
Viewpoint |
Gardner, John |
2014 |
Too Many Elephants |
Gardner, John |
2014 |
Viewpoint |
Gardner, John |
2014 |
Just Deserts |
Gardner, John |
2014 |
No Heming Way! |
Gardner, John |
2014 |
Unfiltered |
Gardner, John |
2014 |
Cobb's Hill |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2014 |
Cobb's Hill |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2014 |
Unfiltered |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2014 |
Just Deserts |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2014 |
No Heming Way! |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2014 |
Too Many Elephants |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2014 |
Viewpoint |
Hintz, Adrienne |
2013 |
Pecan Pie |
Hintz, Adrienne |
2013 |
It's Not The End of the World, Hannah |
Hintz, Adrienne |
2013 |
Banana |
Hintz, Adrienne |
2013 |
We Wish You The Best In Your Future Endeavours |
Hintz, Adrienne |
2013 |
50 Shades of Beige |
Hintz, Adrienne |
2013 |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2013 |
50 Shades of Beige |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2013 |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2013 |
We Wish You The Best In Your Future Endeavours |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2013 |
Banana |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2013 |
It's Not The End of the World, Hannah |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2013 |
Pecan Pie |
McIntosh, Philip |
2013 |
Pecan Pie |
McIntosh, Philip |
2013 |
It's Not The End of the World, Hannah |
McIntosh, Philip |
2013 |
Banana |
McIntosh, Philip |
2013 |
We Wish You The Best In Your Future Endeavours |
McIntosh, Philip |
2013 |
McIntosh, Philip |
2013 |
50 Shades of Beige |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2012 |
Shirley Valentine |
McIntosh, Philip |
2012 |
Shirley Valentine |
Potts, Margaret |
2012 |
Shirley Valentine |
Brooks, Alan |
2012 |
Genius |
Brooks, Alan |
2012 |
Sacred Cows |
Brooks, Alan |
2012 |
Intervention |
Brooks, Alan |
2012 |
Bitter Butter |
Brooks, Alan |
2012 |
Sound and the Fury |
Brooks, Alan |
2012 |
Rippled |
Durner, Jack |
2012 |
Rippled |
Durner, Jack |
2012 |
Sound and the Fury |
Durner, Jack |
2012 |
Bitter Butter |
Durner, Jack |
2012 |
Intervention |
Durner, Jack |
2012 |
Sacred Cows |
Durner, Jack |
2012 |
Genius |
Foster, Brian |
2012 |
Genius |
Foster, Brian |
2012 |
Sacred Cows |
Foster, Brian |
2012 |
Intervention |
Foster, Brian |
2012 |
Bitter Butter |
Foster, Brian |
2012 |
Rippled |
Foster, Brian |
2012 |
Sound and the Fury |
McIntosh, Philip |
2012 |
Rippled |
McIntosh, Philip |
2012 |
Sound and the Fury |
McIntosh, Philip |
2012 |
Bitter Butter |
McIntosh, Philip |
2012 |
Sacred Cows |
McIntosh, Philip |
2012 |
Intervention |
McIntosh, Philip |
2012 |
Genius |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2012 |
A Little Bit of Heaven |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2012 |
A Thousand Words |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2012 |
Appointment |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2012 |
One Size Fits All |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2012 |
Still Life With Book |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2012 |
Straight From the Horse's Mouth |
McIntosh, Philip |
2012 |
Straight From the Horse's Mouth |
McIntosh, Philip |
2012 |
Still Life With Book |
McIntosh, Philip |
2012 |
One Size Fits All |
McIntosh, Philip |
2012 |
Appointment |
McIntosh, Philip |
2012 |
A Little Bit of Heaven |
McIntosh, Philip |
2012 |
A Thousand Words |
Brier, Mary |
2011 |
An Evening With Bill |
Butterfield, Than |
2011 |
An Evening With Bill |
Davies, Rebecca |
2011 |
An Evening With Bill |
Edwards, Christopher |
2011 |
An Evening With Bill |
Howell, Gillian |
2011 |
An Evening With Bill |
Jolliffe, Don |
2011 |
An Evening With Bill |
Lynch, Adrian |
2011 |
An Evening With Bill |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2011 |
An Evening With Bill |
Nicholls, Claire |
2011 |
An Evening With Bill |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2010 |
Slip |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2010 |
Slip |
McIntosh, Philip |
2010 |
Slip |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2010 |
A Long Engagement |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2010 |
A Long Engagement |
McIntosh, Philip |
2010 |
A Long Engagement |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2010 |
Chance Encounter |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2010 |
Chance Encounter |
McIntosh, Philip |
2010 |
Chance Encounter |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2010 |
Mason |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2010 |
Mason |
McIntosh, Philip |
2010 |
Mason |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2010 |
Cockroaches |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2010 |
Cockroaches |
McIntosh, Philip |
2010 |
Cockroaches |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2010 |
I Love You Brady McGrady |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2010 |
I Love You Brady McGrady |
McIntosh, Philip |
2010 |
I Love You Brady McGrady |
Jolliffe, Don |
2009 |
Trespasses |
Jolliffe, Don |
2009 |
Day's End |
Jolliffe, Don |
2009 |
Shaming of the True |
Jolliffe, Don |
2009 |
Piece Work |
Jolliffe, Don |
2009 |
Country Fair |
Jolliffe, Don |
2009 |
Royal Flush |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2009 |
Royal Flush |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2009 |
Country Fair |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2009 |
Shaming of the True |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2009 |
Day's End |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2009 |
Trespasses |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2009 |
Piece Work |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2009 |
Trespasses |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2009 |
Day's End |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2009 |
Shaming of the True |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2009 |
Piece Work |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2009 |
Country Fair |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2009 |
Royal Flush |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2007 |
Slippered Pantaloon |
Hintz, Adrienne |
2007 |
Slippered Pantaloon |
MacDonald, Kevin |
2007 |
Slippered Pantaloon |
McIntosh, Philip |
2007 |
Slippered Pantaloon |
Toms, Jacqui |
2003 |
Old Jock |
Watts, Steve |
2003 |
Old Jock |
Toms, Jacqui |
2003 |
Convergence |
Watts, Steve |
2003 |
Convergence |
Toms, Jacqui |
2003 |
What's in a Name |
Watts, Steve |
2003 |
What's in a Name |
Toms, Jacqui |
2003 |
Chewing the Fat |
Watts, Steve |
2003 |
Chewing the Fat |
Toms, Jacqui |
2003 |
Stella & Her Steelheaded Men |
Watts, Steve |
2003 |
Stella & Her Steelheaded Men |
Toms, Jacqui |
2003 |
Spider's Web |
Watts, Steve |
2003 |
Spider's Web |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2000 |
Blithe Spirit |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2000 |
Blithe Spirit |
Lounsbury, Gary |
2000 |
Blithe Spirit |
Luckham, Kevin |
2000 |
Blithe Spirit |
Tufts, Douglas |
2000 |
Blithe Spirit |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2000 |
Sky |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2000 |
Sky |
Lounsbury, Gary |
2000 |
Sky |
Luckham, Kevin |
2000 |
Sky |
Tufts, Douglas |
2000 |
Sky |
Blee, Kevin P. |
2000 |
Barefoot in the Park |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
2000 |
Barefoot in the Park |
Lounsbury, Gary |
2000 |
Barefoot in the Park |
Luckham, Kevin |
2000 |
Barefoot in the Park |
Tufts, Douglas |
2000 |
Barefoot in the Park |
Bainbridge, Alan |
1996 |
Death and the Maiden |
Blee, Kevin P. |
1996 |
Death and the Maiden |
Dudden, Steve |
1996 |
Death and the Maiden |
Jones, Barbara M. |
1996 |
Death and the Maiden |
Mills, Jon |
1996 |
Death and the Maiden |
Baptiste, Sacha |
1994 |
Business of Murder |
Bell, Christina |
1994 |
Business of Murder |
Blee, Kevin P. |
1994 |
Business of Murder |
Butterfield, Katherine |
1994 |
Business of Murder |
Harlow, Wendy |
1994 |
Business of Murder |
Jones, Barbara M. |
1994 |
Business of Murder |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
1994 |
Business of Murder |
Leseur, Andrew |
1994 |
Business of Murder |
Lounsbury, Gary |
1994 |
Business of Murder |
Meade, Douglas T. |
1994 |
Business of Murder |
Tavares, Michael |
1994 |
Business of Murder |
Watts, Steve |
1994 |
Business of Murder |
Webb, Kim |
1994 |
Business of Murder |
Blee, Kevin P. |
1994 |
Villa for Sale |
Blee, Kevin P. |
1994 |
I'm Herbert |
Blee, Kevin P. |
1994 |
Footsteps of Doves |
Blee, Kevin P. |
1994 |
Obit for a Polar Bear |
Blee, Kevin P. |
1994 |
Don't Start |
DeCouto, Marshall |
1994 |
Don't Start |
DeCouto, Marshall |
1994 |
Obit for a Polar Bear |
DeCouto, Marshall |
1994 |
Footsteps of Doves |
DeCouto, Marshall |
1994 |
I'm Herbert |
DeCouto, Marshall |
1994 |
Villa for Sale |
Gardner, John |
1994 |
Villa for Sale |
Gardner, John |
1994 |
I'm Herbert |
Gardner, John |
1994 |
Footsteps of Doves |
Gardner, John |
1994 |
Obit for a Polar Bear |
Gardner, John |
1994 |
Don't Start |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
1994 |
Don't Start |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
1994 |
Obit for a Polar Bear |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
1994 |
Footsteps of Doves |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
1994 |
I'm Herbert |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
1994 |
Villa for Sale |
Meade, Douglas T. |
1994 |
Villa for Sale |
Meade, Douglas T. |
1994 |
Footsteps of Doves |
Meade, Douglas T. |
1994 |
I'm Herbert |
Meade, Douglas T. |
1994 |
Obit for a Polar Bear |
Meade, Douglas T. |
1994 |
Don't Start |
Tavares, Lyn |
1994 |
Don't Start |
Tavares, Lyn |
1994 |
Obit for a Polar Bear |
Tavares, Lyn |
1994 |
I'm Herbert |
Tavares, Lyn |
1994 |
Footsteps of Doves |
Tavares, Lyn |
1994 |
Villa for Sale |
Tavares, Michael |
1994 |
Villa for Sale |
Tavares, Michael |
1994 |
Footsteps of Doves |
Tavares, Michael |
1994 |
I'm Herbert |
Tavares, Michael |
1994 |
Obit for a Polar Bear |
Tavares, Michael |
1994 |
Don't Start |
Watts, Steve |
1994 |
Don't Start |
Watts, Steve |
1994 |
Obit for a Polar Bear |
Watts, Steve |
1994 |
I'm Herbert |
Watts, Steve |
1994 |
Footsteps of Doves |
Watts, Steve |
1994 |
Villa for Sale |
Cavill, Tony |
1986 |
Crimes of the Heart |
Dawson, Charles |
1986 |
Crimes of the Heart |
Dewar, Doug |
1986 |
Crimes of the Heart |
McCarthy, Glynn |
1986 |
Crimes of the Heart |
McMillan, Robin |
1986 |
Crimes of the Heart |
Mills, Jon |
1986 |
Crimes of the Heart |
Taylor, Simon |
1986 |
Crimes of the Heart |
Butz, Steel |
1984 |
Pippin |
Cox, Margot |
1984 |
Pippin |
Finnerty, Brian |
1984 |
Pippin |
Gray, Robin |
1984 |
Pippin |
Hallatt, Teri |
1984 |
Pippin |
Hirn-Van Wie, Deborah |
1984 |
Pippin |
MacKenzie, Debbie |
1984 |
Pippin |
McPhee, Alister |
1984 |
Pippin |
Midgett, Elmer |
1984 |
Pippin |
Webb, Brian |
1984 |
Pippin |
Arnold, Jack |
1978 |
Owl and the Pussycat went to see.... |
Birrer, Kurt |
1978 |
Owl and the Pussycat went to see.... |
Cornes, Jim |
1978 |
Owl and the Pussycat went to see.... |
Cornforth, Sheila |
1978 |
Owl and the Pussycat went to see.... |
Corrado, Christine |
1978 |
Owl and the Pussycat went to see.... |
Dove, Nick |
1978 |
Owl and the Pussycat went to see.... |
Forrester, Nancy |
1978 |
Owl and the Pussycat went to see.... |
Harris, Richard |
1978 |
Owl and the Pussycat went to see.... |
Hesketh, Frank |
1978 |
Owl and the Pussycat went to see.... |
Knowles, Derek |
1978 |
Owl and the Pussycat went to see.... |
Lowndes, Emily |
1978 |
Owl and the Pussycat went to see.... |
McGovern, Suzie |
1978 |
Owl and the Pussycat went to see.... |
Pengilley, Jenny |
1978 |
Owl and the Pussycat went to see.... |
Pengilley, Michael |
1978 |
Owl and the Pussycat went to see.... |
White, Reg |
1978 |
Owl and the Pussycat went to see.... |
Barry, Bill |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
Bolton, David |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
Dove, Nick |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
Fell, Richard |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
Goggin, Peter |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
Hallett, Bruce |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
Harris, Richard |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
Hill, Penny |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
Hodgson, Malcolm |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
Holden, Terry |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
Instone, John |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
Lough, John |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
Matthews, Dermot |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
McGovern, Suzie |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
McIntosh, Philip |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
O'Neill, David |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
Pitman, Bernard |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
Riding, Frank |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
Rosenfeld, Marianne |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
Sampson, Mike |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
Spurling, Stanley |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
Stanton, Keith |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
White, Reg |
1977 |
Right Honourable Gentleman |
Cribben, Peter |
1976 |
Wait until Dark |
Hodgson, Malcolm |
1976 |
Wait until Dark |
Johnson, Victor |
1976 |
Wait until Dark |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
1976 |
Wait until Dark |
Lewis, Sam |
1976 |
Wait until Dark |
Matthews, Dermot |
1976 |
Wait until Dark |
Banbury, Andrew |
1975 |
Godspell |
Banbury, Chris |
1975 |
Godspell |
Burbridge, Edward |
1975 |
Godspell |
Edney, Gillian |
1975 |
Godspell |
Linton, Lesley |
1975 |
Godspell |
Pantry, Bill |
1975 |
Godspell |
Redding, Lara |
1975 |
Godspell |
Roland, Harvey |
1975 |
Godspell |
Smith, Dyllis |
1975 |
Godspell |
Tite, Neville |
1975 |
Godspell |
Watson, Cathy |
1975 |
Godspell |
Barnard, Linda |
1975 |
Tiger at the Gates |
Bolton, David |
1975 |
Tiger at the Gates |
Bowers, John |
1975 |
Tiger at the Gates |
Hiscocks, Tony |
1975 |
Tiger at the Gates |
Hodgson, Malcolm |
1975 |
Tiger at the Gates |
McIntosh, Philip |
1975 |
Tiger at the Gates |
Sampson, Diane |
1975 |
Tiger at the Gates |
Sampson, Mike |
1975 |
Tiger at the Gates |
Watson, Kathy |
1975 |
Tiger at the Gates |
Wheeler, Susan |
1975 |
Tiger at the Gates |
Bainbridge, Alan |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |
Bowers, John |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |
Bruce, Sandy |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |
Clark, John |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |
Collett, Judy |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |
Evans, Paul |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |
Goldstone, John |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |
Green, Doug |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |
Hopkins, Pat |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |
Keeble, Graham |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |
Lattyak, Denise |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |
Lattyak, Joe |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |
Lee-Emery, Adrian |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |
Lough, John |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |
McIntyre, Ciaran |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |
Mello, Patsy |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |
Montague-Smith, Michael |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |
Mosbacher, Kathryn |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |
Murray, Marjorie W. |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |
Musson, Juanita |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |
Redding, Ora |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |
Simpson, Eoin |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |
Tolman, Denis |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |
Walker, Kay |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |
White, Reg |
1971 |
How the Other Half Loves |