Barry, Bill

Involvement Year Event
Artistic Director 1988 Dresser
Poster 1988 Dresser
Set Construction 1987 Merely Players - Scenes from Shakespeare
Assistance 1986 Elephant Man
Publicity 1986 Crimes of the Heart
Programme 1986 Crimes of the Heart
Poster 1986 Crimes of the Heart
Programme 1985 Caine Mutiny Courtmartial
Poster 1985 One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Publicity 1985 One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Programme 1984 Angels Fall
Publicity 1984 Angels Fall
Poster 1984 Angels Fall
Set Design 1979 Shadow Box
Production Assistant 1979 Shadow Box
Brian 1979 Shadow Box
Publicity 1978 Best of Rattigan
Publicity 1978 Browning Version
Company 1978 Cuchulain Plays
Crew 1978 Cuchulain Plays
Poster 1977 Right Honourable Gentleman
Set Construction & Painting 1977 Right Honourable Gentleman
Costume Design 1977 Right Honourable Gentleman
Set Design 1977 Right Honourable Gentleman
Publicity 1977 Right Honourable Gentleman
Set Design 1976 Butterflies are Free
Publicity 1976 Kennedy's Children
Set Design 1976 Kennedy's Children
Set Construction 1975 Dandy Lion
Set Design 1975 Dandy Lion