Dewar, Doug

Also known as ..
Dewar, Douglas

Involvement Year Event
Lights 1989 Antigone, Scenes from
Lighting Design 1989 Antigone, Scenes from
Lighting Design 1989 Oedipus, Scenes from
Lights 1989 Oedipus, Scenes from
Lights 1989 Once a Catholic
Lighting Design 1989 When the Wind Blows
Lighting Head 1988 Cinderella
Lighting Design 1988 Cinderella
Set Construction 1988 Moon for the Misbegotten
Poster 1987 Dick Whittington and his Cat
Photographer 1987 Dick Whittington and his Cat
Assistant Stage Manager 1987 Bus Stop
Assistant Stage Manager 1987 Four Queens Wait For Henry
Assistant Stage Manager 1987 Something Unspoken
Lights 1987 Delicate Balance
Lighting Design 1987 Delicate Balance
Lighting Design 1987 Key for Two
Lights 1987 Physicists
Set Construction 1987 Physicists
Lights 1987 Merely Players - Scenes from Shakespeare
Lights 1987 Tartuffe
Lights 1987 Grass is Greener
Crew 1986 Kind of Alaska
Crew 1986 Lover
Crew 1986 Victoria Station
Set Construction & Painting 1986 Crimes of the Heart