Dove, Suzie

Also known as ..
McGovern, Suzie

Involvement Year Event
Cast & Crew 1982 Gums Two (A Bridge Too Far)
Properties 1982 Red Riding Hood
Set Construction 1980 Modified American Plan
Set Construction 1980 Suite for Flute & Jazz Piano
Set Construction 1979 Little Red Riding Hood
Front of House 1979 Little Red Riding Hood
Set Construction 1979 Absurd Person Singular
House Manager 1979 Absurd Person Singular
Set Construction & Painting 1978 Owl and the Pussycat went to see....
Assistance 1978 Father
Usher 1978 My Fat Friend
Stage Hand, Construction and Painting 1977 Cinderella
Set Construction 1977 Winslow Boy
Programme Compilation 1977 Dock Brief
Programme Compilation 1977 Real Inspector Hound
Production Manager 1977 Right Honourable Gentleman
Set Construction & Painting 1977 Right Honourable Gentleman
Stage Hand, Construction and Painting 1976 Little Matchgirl
Programme 1976 Kennedy's Children
Assistance 1976 Beyond the Fringe
Assistance 1976 Devil His Due
Assistance 1976 Miscellany
Lights 1976 Salad Days
Set Construction 1975 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Assistant Production Manager 1975 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Producer 1975 Dandy Lion
Properties 1975 Tiger at the Gates
Costumes 1974 Pinocchio
Production Manager 1974 Pinocchio
Ticket Seller 1974 Pinocchio
Set Painting 1974 Pinocchio
Production Manager 1974 Importance of Being Earnest
Wardrobe 1974 Romanoff and Juliet
Assistant to Producer 1974 Mary Stuart - Queen of Scots
Servant 1974 Mary Stuart - Queen of Scots
Producer 1974 Blood Wedding