Huntington, Kate

Involvement Year Event
Sound 2000 Sky
Lights 2000 Barefoot in the Park
Sabra 2000 Mummers, Mysteries and Mayhem
Mary 2000 Mummers, Mysteries and Mayhem
Cherubim 2000 Mummers, Mysteries and Mayhem
Apostle 2000 Mummers, Mysteries and Mayhem
Lights 1999 Red Riding Hood
Crew 1999 Red Riding Hood
Ania 1999 Cherry Orchard
Carol 1999 Oleanna
Angela Judd 1999 Dead White Males
Lights 1999 Cabin Fever
Lights 1999 Universal Wolf
Lights 1999 Wyrd Sisters
Lights 1998 Old Mother Hubbard
Crew 1998 Old Mother Hubbard
Set Construction 1995 Steel Magnolias
Usher 1995 Steel Magnolias
Marion Brewster-Wright 1995 Absurd Person Singular
Royal 1994 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass
White Queen 1994 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass
Natalia 1991 Marriage Proposal
Nick Bottom 1990 Midsummers Night Dream
Chorus 1989 Oedipus, Scenes from
Housewive 1989 Secret Diary of Adrian Mole
Tart 1989 Secret Diary of Adrian Mole