Blyth, Wendy

Also known as ..
Blyth, Mrs. Desmond

Involvement Year Event
Usher 1989 Wizard of Oz
Box Office 1989 Wizard of Oz
Lady Rompers 1979 Habeas Corpus
Marion 1979 Absurd Person Singular
Runcible Spoon 1978 Owl and the Pussycat went to see....
Programme 1978 Best of Rattigan
Programme 1978 Browning Version
Sophie 1977 White Liars
Programme Compilation 1977 Right Honourable Gentleman
Witch Hex 1975 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Queen Elizabeth I 1974 Mary Stuart - Queen of Scots
Fiona Foster 1971 How the Other Half Loves
Programme 1970 Ladies in Retirement
Programme 1970 Barnstable
Programme 1970 Private Lives
Programme 1970 Romeo and Juliet (Balcony scene)
Fairy 1969 Babes in the Wood
Programme 1968 Dick Whittington and his Cat
Sister George 1968 Killing of Sister George
Eleanor 1968 No Why
Good Fairy 1967 Jack and the Beanstalk
Mrs. Shankland 1967 Table by the Window
Peri of the Ring 1966 Sinbad the Sailor
Programme 1966 Streetcar Named Desire
Programme Advertising 1966 Streetcar Named Desire
Marcelle 1966 Hotel Paradiso
Judith Bliss 1966 Hay Fever
Programme 1965 Tiger at the Gates
Belinda 1965 Public Eye
Miss Barnes 1965 Winslow Boy
Publicity 1964 Twelfth Night
Sabrina Fairchild 1963 Sabrina Fair
Publicity 1963 Man Who Came To Dinner
Assistant Production Manager 1962 Bermuda Ballet 1962 Part II
Assistant Production Manager 1962 Bermuda Ballet 1962 Part I
Production Manager 1962 Roar Like a Dove
Cast 1962 Another Showcase
Maisie Gregg 1961 Not in the Book