McArthur, Betty

Involvement Year Event
Properties 1989 Wizard of Oz
Properties 1988 Cinderella
Box Office 1986 Night at the Opera
Production Assistant 1985 Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
Properties Head 1981 Oliver
Usher 1981 Footsteps of Doves
Usher 1981 I'll Be Home For Christmas
Usher 1981 I'm Herbert
Usher 1981 Shock of Recognition
Properties 1980 Jesus Christ Superstar
Ghost 1979 Sing a Song of Sixpence
Chorus 1979 Sing a Song of Sixpence
Production Assistant 1979 Sing a Song of Sixpence
Properties 1979 Absurd Person Singular
Properties 1978 Owl and the Pussycat went to see....
Properties Head 1978 My Fair Lady
Properties 1977 Gaslight
Properties 1976 Wait until Dark
Properties 1973 Kiss Me Kate