Artistic Director

Person Year Event
Shane, Jo 2018 Teddy The Lost Dog
Birch, Carol 2017 Puss in Boots - Bollywood Style
Hastings-Smith, Kelvin 2015 Pied Piper
Birch, Carol 2013 Sleeping Beauty
Burrell-Jones, Jenny 2011 Cinderella
Owen, Jonathon 2009 Robin Hood
Birch, Carol 2008 Snow White and the Seven Sisters
Birch, Carol 2006 Ali Baba and the 14 Thieves
Shane, Jo 2005 Robinson Crusoe
Birch, Carol 2004 Sleeping Beauty
Frith, Daniel 1998 High School That Dripped Gooseflesh
Frith, Daniel 1998 Galactic Gallavanting and Saving Planet Earth
Frith, Daniel 1997 How To Eat Like A Child
Birch, Carol 1990 Old Time Music Hall
Freestone, Jeanette 1990 Old Time Music Hall
Howkins, Betty 1989 Wizard of Oz
Barry, Bill 1988 Dresser
Rhilinger, Lois 1987 Evening with Gilbert and Sullivan
Dennis, Peter 1986 Follow the Star
Hall, Beth 1984 Die Fledermaus
Salbaing, Genevieve 1982 Les Ballets Jazz de Montreal
Maule, Michael 1965 Two Go Dancing