Bathurst, Pamela

Also known as ..
Instone, Pamela

Involvement Year Event
Set Painting 2006 Boston Marriage
Producer 2006 Boston Marriage
Catering 2005 Robinson Crusoe
Catering 2002 Cinderella
Assistant Stage Manager 1994 Business of Murder
Assistant Stage Manager 1993 Son of Gums Sucks Back Part II The Revenge
Acknowledgement 1991 Jack and the Beanstalk
Usher 1988 Odd Couple
Usher 1988 Dresser
Assistance 1987 Dick Whittington and his Cat
Assistance 1987 Key for Two
Assistant Stage Manager 1986 Dame of Sark
Animal 1985 Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
Chorus 1985 Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
House Manager/Usher 1985 One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Cast & Crew 1983 Gums IV - Not a Department Store in Red Square, Moscow
Costumes 1981 Oliver