Jensen, Vicki

Involvement Year Event
Usher 1987 Physicists
House Manager/Usher 1985 One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Production Assistant 1979 Sing a Song of Sixpence
Bookings 1979 Homecoming
Box Office 1979 Homecoming
Box Office 1979 Absurd Person Singular
Front of House 1979 Shadow Box
Box Office 1978 Owl and the Pussycat went to see....
Box Office Manager 1978 Best of Rattigan
Box Office Manager 1978 Browning Version
Crew 1978 Cuchulain Plays
Mrs. Pelham 1977 Right Honourable Gentleman
Madame 1975 Old Time Music Hall
Publicity 1975 Tiger at the Gates
Dancer 1967 Jack and the Beanstalk