Steward, Elizabeth

Also known as ..
Steward, Liz

Involvement Year Event
City Hall Bar 1991 Jack and the Beanstalk
Acknowledgement 1991 Jack and the Beanstalk
Box Office 1991 Jack and the Beanstalk
Box Office 1991 What the Butler Saw
City Hall Bar 1990 Aladdin
City Hall Bar 1989 Wizard of Oz
Front of House 1989 Antigone, Scenes from
Front of House 1989 Oedipus, Scenes from
Front of House 1989 Once a Catholic
Bar 1988 Cinderella
Bar 1988 Old Time Music Hall
Acknowledgement 1988 Dresser
City Hall Bar 1987 Dick Whittington and his Cat
Box Office 1987 Bus Stop
Box Office 1987 Four Queens Wait For Henry
Box Office 1987 Something Unspoken
Box Office Dame 1986 Cabaret
Production Assistant 1985 Amazing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
City Hall Bar 1983 Toad of Toad Hall
Ushers 1982 Red Riding Hood
Front of House 1980 Vaudeville and Old Tyme Music Hall
House Manager 1979 Absurd Person Singular
Facilities 1974 Romanoff and Juliet